Raceway & Conduit Design


Using This Guide

What's New?

Getting Started

Entering the Workbench

Set Correct Working Units and Grid

Changing the Current Axis

Create a Run

Placing a Part on a Run

Saving Documents

Updating Documents

Using the Step Input Box and Construction Elements

User Tasks

Managing Line IDs

Using the Line ID Menubar

Creating a Line ID

Querying a Line ID or its Members

Select a Line ID or its Members

Transfer Members of a Line ID

Deleting a Line ID

Renaming a Line ID

Modifying the Properties of a Line ID

Merging Line IDs

Importing Line IDs

Connecting Elements

Connecting Parts

Disconnecting Parts

Connecting Routables

Connections Between Work Packages

Managing Logical Publications and Connections

Managing Document Links

Routing Cables through Raceway and Conduit Networks

Preparing Data for Electrical Cable Database Export

Creating Electrical Cable Database Supported Networks

Routing Runs

Routing a Run

Displaying Alternate Paths

Routing with Defined Nodes

Routing from the End of a Routable

Branching a Run

Routing a Run at a Slope

Auto-route Between Equipment

Routing from an Item Reservation

Display Information About Routables

Managing Local Slack

Checking Turn Radius Errors

Routing Flexibles

Routing Flexibles

Routing Flexibles from a Connector

Routing Flexibles with an Offset

Applying Torsion to a Part

Using the Swivel Feature

Creating a Bundle With New Route

Creating a Bundle With Existing Routes

Adding a Flexible to a Bundle

Modifying a Bundle

Modifying Runs

Using the Definition Dialog Box

Changing a Section

Changing the Angle of a Segment

Moving Nodes

Inserting Nodes

Align Adjacent Sections

Make Segment Parallel to Reference Plane

Make Segment Parallel to Compass Base Plane

Make Segment Parallel to Z Axis

Fit Segment for Parts Assembly

Position Segment Relative to a Plane

Create an Offset Connection Between Segments

Create a Closed Loop Run

Open a Closed Run

Adjust Extremities of a Run

Transfer Run to Another Document

Breaking a Run

Manipulating Objects

Search for Objects in a Document

Aligning Elements

Distributing Elements

Rotate Resource Using the Definition Dialog Box

Snap Resources Together

Quick Snap Resources

Snap and Rotate a Resource

Using Offset Planes and Advanced Offset Planes

Analyzing Object Information and Attributes

Disable/Enable Manipulation Handles

Using Quick Translate to Move Objects

Activating the Product or Parent

Transfer Elements to New Document

Moving In-Line Parts

Rotating In-Line Parts

Snapping Parts to a Run

Defining the Rotation Axis in Free Space

Activating the Plane System Grid

Query/Modify Properties of an Object

Edit or Display Properties of an Object

Changing the Display Order of Properties

Filter Shown Properties of an Object

Rename an Object

Changing the Size or Spec of a Part

Copying Attributes

Placing and Modifying a Part

Placing Parts

How Values are Assigned to Parts

Adjust Part when Placing

Switching Graphic Representations

Rotate a Raceway or Conduit Part

Flipping a Part

Inserting a Part

Modifying the Part Type

Placing Transitional Objects On a Run

Detecting Clash in Parts Placement

Display Connector Flow Direction

Placing a Part in a Sub-document

Query or Convert Auto Parts

Adding and Managing Loose Parts

Adjust Layout

Adjust Layout by Shifting Parts

Adjust Layout by Changing Angle

Measuring Distance

Measuring Distance Between Elements

The Copy/Paste Functions

Using the Copy/Paste Function

Using Translate: Connector to Connector

Using Translate: Connector and a Distance

Translate: Compass Z and Distance

Translate: Point to Point

Mirror Copied Runs

Managing Compartment Membership

Updating Compartment Membership

Resolving Membership Conflicts

Querying Compartment Membership

Locking Compartment Membership

Analyzing Networks

Analyze Network for Connections

Viewing Related Objects

Routing Tasks

Aligning a Run to an Existing Surface

Routing in 3D with the Compass

Routing at an Offset of a Routable

Edgeline: Routing Parallel to a Run

Route a Run Along a Spline

Fix Broken Routables


Create Connectors

Associate Attributes to a Connector

Use the Compass to Manipulate Connectors

Modifying or Deleting Connectors

Creating Duplicate Connectors

Using the Plane Manipulator

Hide/Show Connectors

Building Raceway or Conduit Parts

Creating a Part

Define Graphic Representations for a Part

Define Properties for a Part

Change the Parameters of a Part

Building a New Unique Reference

Generating Resolved Parts from Parametric Parts

Requirements for Building Parts

Creating a Light Part

Creating an Insulation Part

Creating a Loose Part

Design Validation

Using the Design Validation Tool

Design Validation Tool - Enovia Requirements

Validation Checks Explained

Impacted Documents Explained

Functional Physical Integration

Analyzing Schematic Driven Design


Creating a Product

Importing a Product

Using Work Packages

Saving a Work Package

Organizing Work Packages

Transferring a Document to Another Site

Drawing Production

Drawing Production Settings

Generating a Drawing

Defining 2D Endstyle Symbols

Using Knowledgeware Checks

Using Knowledgeware Packages

Importing Checks from Knowledgeware

(3D) Opening a Sample Document

Checking a Document for Design Errors

Penetration Management Usage

Computed Attributes

Plant Ship


Customizing Settings

Project Resource Management

Using the PRM Command

Understanding Project Resource Management

Checking a PRM File for Errors

Organizing Resources in PRM File

List of PRM Resources and Flags

Defining Options

Finding Sample Data on Various Platforms

Specifications Tree

Feature Dictionary: Creating Classes and Attributes

Defining User Names for Classes and Attributes

Comparing Feature Dictionaries

Opening a Document Without CATfct File

Mapping the Functional Physical Classes

Cache Mode

Working in Cache Mode

Creating Custom Reports

Defining the Report Format

Generating a Report

Generating a Report from a Macro

Creating a Toolbar Shortcut for a Macro


Creating a Catalog

Creating Sub-Catalogs

Modifying a Catalog

Creating a Specifications Catalog (Parametric)

Generating a Part Catalog Report

Line ID Catalogs

Displaying Line ID Properties in Catalog

Modifying/Updating a Lines Catalog

Standards and Design Rules

Rules Overview

Creating and Modifying Standards

Adding an Attribute to a Standard

Modifying the Object Naming Rules

Add Computed Attribute to Object Name

Adding an Attribute to General Design Rules

Adding a New Part Size

Working with ENOVIA

Setup for Enovia

Using Catalogs

Resources That Must be Placed in ENOVIA

Workbench Description

Design Create Toolbar

Build Create Toolbar

Line Management Toolbar

Design Modify Toolbar

General Environment Toolbar

General Design Toolbar

Rename Toolbar

