Design Validation - Enovia Requirements

This task lists certain requirements your Enovia-based documents must meet for the Design Validation tool to run correctly. Note that these are only required when you want to use the option Enovia Action in the Design Validation Report dialog box. Also, these are not required when a document is loaded in session, irrespective of whether it is file-based or Enovia-based.


The process of launching and using the Design Validation tool is explained in the task Using the Design Validation Tool. This task explains certain preparatory steps that are needed if you want to use the tool for documents that reside in the Enovia database. These steps are not needed if your documents are file-based.

You should use Enovia LCA for these actions. The terms used below are explained in Enovia documentation.

1. The product (also known as PRC) must be configured.
2. You must create an Action for the product, and associate the product with the Action. An Action can be associated with more than one PRC. In this case, only the first product can be associated with a modification.
3. You need to create a modification if you have more than one configuration of the product, and want to apply the configuration filter. You can define only one range-range effectivity, and it must be in the Engineering Effectivity Domain. If you do not have a modification then all configurations will be checked by the Design Validation tool.  Range-range is the only supported option.