Modifying a Bundle

This task explains how you can modify a bundle.


This task will show you how to remove a flexible from a bundle, and how to remove the bundle section itself so that there is nothing holding the flexibles together.


Click the Manage Flexible Bundle button to display the Manage Flexible Bundles dialog box.

  2. To remove a flexible from a bundle section:

A) Click the circle on the flexible that you want to remove.

B) Two things happen when you do this. The bundle sections display in the Bundle Sections pane of the Manage Flexible Bundles dialog box and the flexibles in that bundle section display in the Flexible Parts in Selected Section pane. (The Section Diameter field is for informational purposes and shows the diameter of the selected bundle section.)

C) At the same time the selected flexible is highlighted. You can select other flexibles as needed.

D) Click Remove in the Manage Flexible Bundles dialog box to remove the flexible from the bundle section.

  3. To delete a bundle section:

Follow the steps given above and, in Step 2D, select the bundle section you want to remove in the Bundle Sections pane of the Manage Flexible Bundles dialog box. Click Delete to delete the bundle section. The image below shows that one bundle section has been deleted, and the second bundle section contains only two flexibles.