Changing the Display Order of Properties

This task shows how you can change the order in which properties are displayed.

This task shows how you can change the display order in the Properties dialog box. You can also use this function to select the properties that you want displayed in the dialog box. This change applies to the class or subclass. NOTE: When you use the Filtering function the changes apply to all classes in the application. Changing the display order applies only to the class or subclass you choose, as explained below.

You must use internal names for this function. To find out the internal names of classes or properties, open the Feature Dictionary Editor, go to the relevant CATfct file and generate a report. Internal names for properties are listed in the column "Attribute Key". Internal names for classes are shown against the entry "Object Key". The process of generating a report is explained in the Feature Dictionary section of this documentation.

1. Create a text file using a text editor such as Wordpad, and give the file the same name (use the internal name) as the class whose display you want to change. For example, if the class is 'compressor function' then name the file CompressorFunction.txt. There should only be one file for each class.
2. Enter the properties in this file, in the order you want to see them displayed in the Properties dialog box. Any property that you do not enter will not display. For a globe valve for instance, you may only want to see the following. Other properties will not display.


You can choose to display computed properties also by adding them to this list. However, for computed properties to display they must also be entered in the computed attributes text file (XXXComputedAttributes.txt), where XXX is the domain name. For example: HangerComputedAttributes.txt, PipingComputedAttributes.txt, etc. The computed attributes text files are located under the directory ...intel_a\startup\EquipmentAnd Systems\MultiDiscipline\SampleData. These files must also be referenced in the PRM file. For more information on Computed attributes see Computed Attributes and Methods; for more information on the PRM file, see Project Resource Management.


3. Save the file in a directory of your choice. Modify the project resource management file to reflect the directory in which the file is located. To do this, change the entry for the resource "Attribute Display List". See PRM documentation for more information.
The display order will apply to subclasses also, unless a subclass has its own display order text file.