Drawing Production Settings

This task shows you how to change the settings that affect the appearance of your 2-D drawing.

Unlike earlier versions, the appearance of the 2-D drawings that you generate is now controlled by settings in a file in XML format. You need to use a text editor to open this file and change the settings. (Do not make changes to the original file.)

You can generate drawings with the default settings. You only need to change the default settings if you want to customize your settings. This task explains how to find the appropriate XML file, and how to modify its contents.

Before you can use this process, you need to set Options as follows:

From the menu bar, select Tools - Options - Mechanical Design - Drafting.

Select the Administration tab and under Generative View Style, uncheck the option Prevent Generative View Style Usage.

1. The default file provided with this application is called EquipmentAndSystems-3-DLayout.xml.

This file is located in the directory ...intel_a\resources\standard\generativeparameters\samples.

Copy the default XML file from the samples directory, and place the copy in the generativeparameters directory.

  2. The first part of the file, between the lines Drafting application parameters and End of Drafting parameters, refers to options in the Drafting application. These are:

AxisLines, CenterLines, Fillets, HiddenLines, Threads, 3DPoints, Wireframe, Using3DColors, Using3DSpec.

The possible values for all of these (except Fillets) are Yes or No.

For Fillets, the values are: none, boundaries, symbolic, original edges, projected original edges.

The Drawing Production function uses the Drafting application to generate 2-D drawings. (A fuller explanation can be found in Drafting documentation.)

  3. The remainder of the file is organized by application. Each application is contained within the headings Start Application xxx and End Application xxx. Each application contains settings that are common to all the graphic representations.

Additionally, each application can have its own specific settings. You can create up to 20 graphic representations for each application. These graphic representations are identified as GR_1 (no leading zero) through GR_20.

  4. The file also contains the following ATS_properties that enable you to generate text from 3-D attributes.
  • ATS_AutoPosition: Yes positions the text anchor point at the edge of the 2-D box surrounding the generated 2-D geometry. No positions the text anchor point at the approximate center of the 2-D geometry (center of the first segment for multi-segment pipes).
  • ATS _CharacterOffset: The number of characters to offset the text anchor point.
  • ATS_1 through ATS_40: Requests to generate text corresponding to the attributes on the 3-D object. Possible values are the Keywords in the catalog XXXPartsAnnotations.catalog (where XXX represents the application, such as Piping or Tubing), and is located in the following directory:


  5. The settings common to all the graphic representations are:
  • Visible: Yes means the part will be generated in the drawing. No means it will not be generated.
  • Color: The RGB value of the color of the generated part. If the RGB color is set to an invalid value (R<0 or G<0 or B<0), then the color will be inherited from the 3D object regardless of the 3Dinheritance values.
  • LineType: The value indicating the line type of the generated part. If the LineType value is invalid (LineType<1), then the LineType value will be inherited from the 3D object regardless of the 3Dinheritance values.
  • EndStyleSymbol: Yes means an end style symbol will be displayed in the drawing for each Piping part that has an end style.
  • FabricationBreakSymbol: Yes means a symbol will display at the ends of each spool.
  • CornerBendPoint: When set to Yes, the intersection of adjacent Pipe or Tube segments will display a point.
  • CenterofGravitySymbol: When set to Yes, a symbol is displayed at a part's center of gravity (Equipment only).
  • Insulation: When set to Yes, insulation is included in the graphic representation of the generated part.
  • ViewSpecificSymbols: When set to Yes, a view-specific 3-D symbol displays at the connectors of the generated part. Additionally, rolling pipe indicators display where appropriate.
  6. Settings for individual graphic representations are as follows:
  • Graphic representation: Parameters are GR_1 (no leading zero) through GR_20. Values include Layout, Single, Double, Envelope. If you do not want a representation to display, enter extra characters after the setting to turn off the display. For example, Double_No. or LayoutXY.
  • MaxNominalSize: A part larger than this value will not be generated in the 2-D drawing. No entry means there is no limit.
  • MinNominalSize: A part smaller than this value will not be generated in the 2-D drawing. No entry means there is no limit.
  • LineGapping: Yes means line gapping will display. Applies only to Single graphic representation.
  • LineGappingValue: The length of a gap in a line at a point where it is crossed by another line, in millimeters. Applies only to Single graphic representation.
  • CenterLines: Yes means a center line will display Available only for Pipes and Tubes with a Double graphic representation.
  • CenterLinesExtensionLength: The length by which a center line will extend beyond a Pipe/Tube.
  • LineType: The value indicating the line type (for instance, 1 = solid line). You can define a different line type for each graphic representation within an application. This setting overrides the LineType setting common to all graphic representations (explained above). If both the common LineType, and this LineType values are invalid (<1) then the LineType value will be taken from the 3D object, regardless of the 3Dinheritance values.
  • LineThickness: The value indicating the thickness of the line. You can define a different line thickness for each graphic representation within an application. If the LineThickness value is invalid (<1), then the LineThickness value will be inherited from the 3D object regardless of the 3Dinheritance values.

Settings for individual graphic representations are preceded by the identifier GR_1_ through GR_20_ (with no leading zero). For instance:

  • To set a LineType for a GR_9_ graphic representation, use GR_9_LineType.
  • To set a LineType for a GR_20_ graphic representation, use GR_20_LineType.
  7. Generate runs in 2-D as single-line, double-line, same as 3-D, or no display.

The sample file containing the GVS parameters is called ES_PreliminaryLayout.xml. This file is located in the directory ...intel_a\resources\standard\generativeparameters\samples.

The following are the GVS parameters pertaining to runs:

  • DisplayMode: Possible values are NoDisplay, Single, Double, SameAs3D
  • GapDistance: The length of a gap in a line at a point where it is crossed by another line, in millimeters. Applies only to single-line gapping. Zero indicates no gapping.

To make use of these GVS parameters, add the following from the sample file (ES_PreliminaryLayout.xml) to your customized GVS file:

<!-- ******************************************************************** -->
<!-- * (These DEFINITIONS must precede their use - DO NOT EDIT) -->
<!-- ******************************************************************** -->
<std:enumdef name="ES_DisplayModes">



<!-- ******************************************************************** -->
<!-- ******************************************************************** -->

<!-- ******************************************************************** -->
<!-- ******************************************************************** -->
<std:node name="ES_PreliminaryLayout">

<!-- ********* OBJECT = RUN ****************************************** -->
<std:node name="Run">

<!-- ********* DisplayMode -->
<std:node name="DisplayMode">
<std:enumval name="ES_DisplayModes">SameAs3D</std:enumval>

<!-- ********* Single Line Gap Distance (mm) -->
<std:node name="GapDistance">

<!-- ******************************************************************** -->
<!-- ******************************************************************** -->
<!-- ********************************************************************** -->
<!-- ********************************************************************** -->
8. Some 2-D endstyle graphics are included with the Piping application. If you need more graphics, you need to create them.

The catalog where Piping endstyles are stored is called Piping2DSymbols-Customization.Catalog, and is in the following directory:

...intel_a\startup\EquipmentandSystems\Piping\Piping Design\DrawingCatalogs

You need to place all endstyle graphics in the file Piping2DSymbols-Customization.CATDrawing, located in the same directory, and then link a graphic name in the catalog to the actual graphic. 

When you create a new endstyle (or modify an existing one), you must enter the correct size in the EndDiameter column of the catalog. Samples included with the application are sized at 25.4 mm, which is the actual size of the detail. This size is important because it is used to scale the endstyle to the size of the component to which it is attached. All endstyles provided with this application, except butt weld, can be scaled. The vertical dimension of your detail will be interpreted as the end diameter. Therefore, the value you enter in the EndDiameter column should reflect this.