Computed Attributes

This section provides several tables, each of which lists Knowledgeware computed attributes and methods for a specific product or discipline. Unlike the Feature Dictionary attributes, which are user customizable, you cannot modify the value of computed attributes. Computed attributes are so called because the software computes their values based upon other data in your document. For example: In the Compartment and Access product, you can create a compartment consisting of 6 boundaries: 4 walls, a floor and a ceiling. There is a computed attribute (for compartments) called TotalSurfaceArea that is calculated based on the individual surface areas of each boundary.

Also included in these tables are methods. Methods can take input parameters and return values which enable you to define checks and rules based on the values you provide. Please note that the computed attributes and methods in the PlantShipLayout Knowledgeware dictionary can apply to several products and disciplines. This dictionary contains higher-level object types that other products and disciplines can inherit.

You can access computed attributes and methods in Knowledgeware rules and checks. Computed attributes are also accessible through the Edit - Search dialog, the Tools - Report Definition dialog, and the Insert Link Template dialog when defining a text template (in schematic diagrams).

The organization of these computed attributes and methods matches that of the Knowledgeware dictionary.

Plant Ship