Defining 2D Endstyle Symbols

This task shows you how to create your own endstyle symbols.
Some endstyle symbols are provided with this application. if you want to create your own, single or double line, symbols then follow the procedure described below. As of Release 14, you can customize only endstyle, center of gravity and fabrication break symbols.


1. You will first need to create a catalog, using the standard catalog facility provided. Click Infrastructure - Catalog Editor in the menu bar to open the editor, and then open the CATfct file for the application, in this case Piping. To open the CATfct file click the Open User Dictionary button and navigate to the CATfct file you are using. The sample file is CATPipingSample.CATfct, located in ...intel_a\resources\graphic.
  2. Click the Add Catalog Template button to display the Add Catalog Template dialog box and make sure the entries match those displayed in the image below.

Click OK to create a catalog.

3. Select Endstyle in the specifications tree and the Reference tab to display all the part descriptions.

Delete the descriptions you do not need - right click on a description and, in the drop down menu, select Remove Description.

  4. You now have to link the remaining descriptions to an actual drawing. You do this by double clicking on the description to bring up the Description Definition dialog box and following steps explained below. One sequence you could follow is:
  • Open the drawing that contains the 2D geometry you want to link to a description. NOTE: Each endstyle symbol must be defined in a separate view in the 2D drawing, and each symbol MUST be defined in a 1 inch by 1 inch (25.4 mm) size. Each detail must have the same name as the one that appears under the NAME field in the catalog, and to which you will link.
  • Tile the screen so that you can see the drawing as well as the catalog.
  • Double click on the description (if you haven't done so already) to bring up the Description Definition dialog box. Click on Select External Feature in this box.
  • Select the 2D view containing the geometry you want to associate. The association between the description and the symbol is done.
  • Repeat these steps to associate other symbols to descriptions.
  • Save the catalog and the drawings.
  • Point to the catalog in the project resource management file.