Creating a Line ID  

This task describes how to create a line ID.      
A line ID is a mechanism for identifying and organizing segments and the components and equipment you place in them.

You need to create a line ID before you can begin routing and placing components and equipment. When you create a line ID, you also assign characteristics: material, size, pressure attributes, heat tolerance and so on.

The line ID displays in the specifications tree as an organizational element. The routes you create and the components you place under it appear in the specifications tree, and display as 3D images. The Line ID appears in the specifications tree with the name you assigned it. Each run segment you route will show as ArrRunX, X being a unique number assigned in sequence. Components and equipment will show as YYYFunction.X, YYY being a component name, and X being a unique number (i.e. PumpFunction).

To store line IDs that you create, set the default directory (as defined in the Project Management Resources) for read-write file permission. Contact your system administrator to add line IDs or directories for line lists. Also see the Customizing section for information about line ID catalogs.

1. Click the Create Line ID button . The Create Line ID dialog box displays.

2. Enter a name for the new line in the Line ID field, or you can accept the default name by clicking Set to default.
3. You can enter a name in the Line ID Filename field. The Line ID Filename field is available only if you set Options as follows:

From the menu bar select Tools - Options - Equipment and Systems. Select the Design Criteria tab and under Line ID Options, check User Defined Filename.

Every time you create a Line ID, a system file is created and stored in a catalog. If you do not enter a name in the Line ID Filename field, this file is generated with a unique and unrecognizable name. By entering a name in the Line ID Filename field, you can give the file a meaningful name.

4. You can choose not to store the line ID in the catalog, if you set Options as follows:

Select Tools - Options - Equipment and Systems. Select the Design Criteria tab and and under Line ID Options, check the option Do Not Store the Line IDs in Catalog.

To use the line ID, you must manually store it in the catalog.

5. Click the Properties button to open the Properties dialog box.

Select the appropriate tab for your application (for example, Piping or HVAC), and assign attributes as required..

6. Click Apply. Click OK to close the dialog box.