Edit or Display Properties of an Object

This task shows you how to edit or display the properties of an object.
1. Select the component.              
2. Click Edit - Properties or, as an alternative, right-click and select Properties. The Properties dialog box appears with the properties displayed under various tabs. Some of these properties are computed and cannot be modified. To see which properties are computed click the Filter button.

If the object cannot have derived values, the Derived checkboxes will not display. If a Derived checkbox is selected, it means the value is derived. If it is not checked the values are not derived. A value is considered to be derived when it is obtained from another object. For instance, a piping route may derive the values of some properties from the line of which it is a member.

NOTE: Values cannot have more than 256 characters.

The Properties dialog box displays several tabs:
  • The Graphic tab allows you to change the looks.
  • The Object tab displays information about the object such as ID, Function Class, Parent Group or Group Members, depending on the object being queried.
  • Under the Product tab you can make changes to the basic Product in the specifications tree, such as renaming. You can include additional descriptive and historical data.
  • One or more application tab - such as Piping or Equipment - lists various properties. They will display depending on the class of object whose properties you are editing. Click the More button if one of these tabs does not display, or if you want to see other tabs. More than one tab may display for some objects, such as Piping and Equipment, if the object has properties in more than one domain.
  • The filter button lets you use the filter function. See Filter the Properties of an Object.

See Infrastructure documentation (Basic Tasks - Manipulating Objects - Displaying and Editing Graphic Properties) and Product Structure documentation (User's Tasks - Modifying Component Properties) for more information.

3. Enter values in the fields as desired and click OK. The properties will be edited.
4. You can override derived values by modifying the values as outlined in Step 3. The Derived checkbox will become unchecked. You can also override derived values by unchecking the Derived checkbox. To revert to derived values check the Derived checkbox.
5. Click OK to end.
Some objects have discrete values - which means you may only select certain values. In that case you will be able to display a drop-down box and select one of the values in it.

Certain properties are protected, and their values cannot be modified on the placed instance. If you want to be able to modify such property values then you need to change a resource setting in the project resource management file. Look at the explanation for the resource Attributes That Can be Modified.