


What's New

Getting Started

Entering the Sketcher Workbench

Becoming Familiar with the Interface

Sketching from a New Part

Creating Simple Geometry

Applying Constraints

Analyzing Sketches

Modifying sketches

Creating a Pad

Sketching from an Existing Part

Creating a Positioned Sketch

Using the Normal View

Cutting the Part by the Sketch Plane

Setting the Datum Mode

Modifying an Output Feature

User Tasks

Before You Begin

Using the Sketcher Grid

Using Tools for Sketching

Using Colors

Cutting the Part by the Sketch Plane

Defining a Visualization Mode for Sketcher Elements

Defining a Visualization Mode for Wireframe Elements

Converting Standard/Construction Elements

Hiding or Showing the Sketch Absolute Axis

Entering the Sketcher Workbench

Creating a Positioned Sketch

Changing a Sketch Support

Sketching Simple Profiles

Creating Profiles

Creating Rectangles

Creating Circles

Creating Three Point Circles

Creating Arcs

Creating Three Points Arcs

Creating Three Points Arcs Using Limits

Creating Splines

Connecting Curves with a Spline

Connecting Curves with an Arc

Creating Ellipses

Creating Parabola by Focus

Creating Hyperbola by Focus

Creating Conic Curves

Creating Standard or Construction Elements

Creating Lines

Creating an Infinite Line

Creating a Bi-Tangent Line

Creating a Bisecting Line

Creating a Line Normal to a Curve

Creating Symmetrical Extensions

Creating an Axis

Creating Points

Creating Points Using Coordinates

Creating Equidistant Points

Creating Points Using Intersection

Creating Points Using Projection

Sketching Pre-Defined Profiles

Creating Oriented Rectangles

Creating Parallelograms

Creating Elongated Holes

Creating Cylindrical Elongated Holes

Creating Keyhole profiles

Creating Hexagons

Creating Centered Rectangles

Creating Centered Parallelograms

Performing Operations on Profiles

Creating Corners

Creating Chamfers

Trimming Elements

Breaking and Trimming

Closing Elements

Complementing an Arc

Breaking Elements

Breaking/Trimming Use-Edges

Trimming Multiple Elements

Creating Mirrored Elements

Moving Elements by Symmetry

Translating Elements

Rotating Elements

Scaling Elements

Offsetting Elements

Creating Spline Offsets

Projecting 3D Elements onto the Sketch Plane

Projecting 3D Silhouette Edges

Intersecting 3D Elements with the Sketch Plane

Copying/Pasting Elements

Isolating Projections and Intersections

Creating Output Features

Creating Profile Features

Displaying Tolerances

Editing Sketches

Modifying Element Coordinates

Performing Auto-Search on Profiles

Transforming Profiles

Editing Conic Curves

Editing Connecting Curves

Editing a Spline

Editing Spline Offsets

Editing Parents/Children and Constraints

Editing Projection/Intersection marks

Replacing Geometry

Deleting Sketcher Elements

Analyzing the Sketch

Performing a Quick Geometry Diagnosis

Analyzing Sketched Geometry

Analyzing Projections and Intersections

Setting Constraints

Before you Begin

Quickly Creating Dimensional/Geometrical Constraints

Defining Constraint Measure Direction

Modifying Constraints

Creating Constraints via a Dialog Box

Modifying Constraints On/Between Elements

Fixing Elements Together

Auto-Constraining a Group of Elements

Animating Constraints

Edit Multi-Constraint

Analyzing and Resolving Over-Constrained or Inconsistent Sketches


Before You Begin

SmartPicking ...

Creating Geometry Using SmartPick

Deactivating a Sketch

Workbench Description

Sketcher Menu Bar

Sketch Tools Toolbar

Workbench Toolbar

Constraints Toolbar

Profile Toolbar

Tools Toolbar

Operation Toolbar

Visualization Toolbar

Sketcher Specification Tree Icons



