Creating Hexagons

This task shows you how to create an hexagon. A construction circle assists you in creating this profile. In this task, we will use the Sketch tools toolbar but, of course you can create this hexagon manually. For this, move the cursor to activate SmartPick and click as soon as you get what you wish.
  1. Click Hexagon from the Profiles toolbar (Predefined Profile subtoolbar).

    The Sketch tools toolbar now displays values for defining the hexagon center and then either a point on this hexagon or the hexagon dimension and angle.

  1. Position the cursor in the desired field (Sketch tools toolbar) and key in the desired values.
    For example, key in the coordinates of the center of the hexagon (H: 25mm and V: 25mm).

    Hexagon Center

    For example, key in the dimension (35mm) and Angle (10deg) of the hexagon.            

    Point on Hexagon          

    The hexagon is created.

Be careful: if you fix one extremity of the hexagon and try to move the hexagon using another extremity point, this hexagon can result twisted. To avoid this, you must drag the hexagon step by step releasing the mouse button regularly.