Creating Splines

This task shows you how to create a spline and then modify the spline control points (coordinates or clicking).
  1. Click Spline from the Profile toolbar.



  1. Click in the geometry to indicate the points through which the spline goes.

  2. Double-click the last point you have created to finish the spline creation. (Clicking again on Spline or another command also ends the spline creation.)

  At any time when creating a spline, you can close it by right-clicking the last point and selecting Close spline from the contextual menu.




  The spline is closed in such a way that it is continuous in curvature.
  • Keep in mind that using the displayed Sketch tools toolbar also allows creating a spline. In addition, two constraints will be created (H and V).

Modifying the spline control points

  1. Double-click the control point you wish to edit.
    The Control Point Definition dialog box appears.

  2. Enter new coordinates. For example, v: 9mm (vertical).

  3. Check the Tangency option to impose a tangency on this control point. The point is moved and an arrow appears on this point to indicate a tangency.
    You can invert the tangent direction clicking the Reverse tangent button.

  4. Click OK.

You can also check the Curvature option to activate the Curvature editor and impose a curvature on the previously selected control point.
Keep in mind that selecting a point then dragging it will modify the spline shape.

Tangents can be constrained.