Performing Operations on Profiles

Before you begin, make sure you are familiar with Tools For Sketching.

The Sketcher workbench provides a set of functionalities for performing operations on profiles. Note that you can either click on a profile or use the Sketch tools toolbar.

Creating Corners: Creates a rounded corner (arc tangent to two curves) between two lines using trimming operation. 
Creating Chamfers: Creates a chamfer between two lines using trimming operation. 
Trimming Elements: Trims two lines (either one element or all the elements)
Trimming Multiple Elements: Trims a few elements using a curve type element.
Breaking & Trimming: Quickly deletes elements intersected by other Sketcher elements using breaking and trimming operation.
Closing Elements: Closes circles, ellipses or splines using relimiting operation.
Complementing an Arc  (circle or ellipse): Creates a complementary arc.
Breaking Elements: Breaks a line using a point on the line and then a point that does not belong to the line.
Creating Mirrored Elements: Duplicates existing Sketcher elements using a line, a construction line or an axis.
Moving Elements by Symmetry: Moves existing Sketcher elements using a line, a construction line or an axis.
Translating Elements: Performs a translation on 2D elements by defining the duplicate mode and then selecting the element to be duplicated. Multi-selection is not available.
Rotating Elements: Rotates elements by defining the duplicate mode and then selecting the element to be duplicated.
  Scaling Elements: Scales elements by defining the duplicate mode and then selecting the element to be duplicated.
Offsetting Elements: Scales an entire profile. In other words, you are going to resize a profile to the dimension you specify.
Offsetting Elements: Duplicates a line, arc or circle type element.
Projecting 3D Elements onto the Sketch Plane : Projects edges (elements you select in the Part Design workbench) onto the sketch plane.
Creating Silhouette Edges: Creates silhouette edges to be used in sketches as geometry or reference elements.
Intersecting 3D Elements with the Sketch Plane: Intersects a face and the sketch plane.
Copying/pasting Elements: Explains how sketched elements behave when copying/pasting elements that were created via projection or intersection.
Isolating Projected/Intersected Elements: Isolates the elements resulting from the use of Project 3D Elements or Intersect 3D Elements .
Performing a Quick Geometry Diagnosis: Displays a quick diagnosis of a sketch geometry.
Analyzing the Sketch: Displays a global or individual status on the sketch and correct any problem.
Creating Output Features: Creates an output of a selected sketch which can be published and updated independently in the 3D area.
Creating Profile Features: Creates a feature made of a set of curves, connected or not and made independent from the other elements defined in the same sketch.