Transforming Profiles

This task shows you how to transform:
  • a profile shape and size using Selection .
  • a profile position according to a pre-defined solving mode.
  • a profile position using existing external constraints.
Open the Transform_replace01.CATPart document.

Transforming By Moving

Minimum Move

You can move as few elements as possible with respect of existing constraints, using the Minimum move option (default option).

Go to Tools > Options... > Sketcher (Solving mode switch button) and select Minimum move.

  1. Click Select .

  1. Drag the right line of the profile anywhere to the right.
    The profile is stretched to the right if you stretch it to the right.

  2. Click one corner of the profile and stretch this profile diagonally.


Standard Mode

You can move as many elements as possible with respect of existing constraints, by using the Standard mode option.

Go to Tools > Options... > Sketcher (Solving Mode switch button) and select Standard mode.

  1. Click Select .

  1. Drag the right line of the profile anywhere to the right.
    The profile is stretched both to the right and to the top even if you stretch it to the right.



Relaxation moves elements by re-distributing them over the sketch, globally speaking. This method solves element moving by minimizing energy cost.

Go to Tools > Options > Sketcher (Solving mode switch button) and select Relaxation.


You can also edit the profile shape and size using commands such as Edit, Trim and Break .

If you want the profile to revert to its original shape, click Undo .

If the Grid option is on, you can also modify the profile using the grid. In this case, and for example if the Zoom is on, the point you select will be automatically repositioned at the closest grid intersection point. The profile new position may result awkward.

Transforming Using Constraints

  1. Click Select .

  1. Double-click the offset constraint.


The Constraint Definition dialog box appears.

  1. Type 20mm as new value.

The external constraint is re-computed and the geometry is re-positioned.