Projecting 3D Silhouette Edges  

This task shows how to create silhouette edges to be used in sketches as geometry or reference elements.
You can only create a silhouette edge from a canonical surface whose axis is parallel to the Sketch plane.
Open the Silhouette_Edge.CATPart document.
  1. Select Plane1 and go into Sketcher workbench.

  1. Click 3D Silhouette Edges from the Operation toolbar (3D Geometry sub-toolbar).

  1. Select the canonical surface.

The silhouette edges are created onto the sketch plane.

These silhouette edges are yellow if they are associative with the 3D.

You cannot move or modify them but you can delete one of them which means deleting one trace independently from the other. 

You can select one of the two intersections
and set it into the Construction mode:


You can create geometry and constraints using this intersection:

You can re-limit this created silhouette edge
using the geometry

The silhouette command generated one or two marks (edges) if one mark is made of more that one curves. If those curves do not have the same geometrical support, the resulting silhouette edges will not be associative (as for Projection/Intersection commands).

  • Silhouette edges are associative except in the case of a multiple distinct marks.
  • A mark composed of several associated elements is managed as a single curve (you can constrain it).
  • If you apply the Parents/Children... command to a sketch containing a 3D silhouette, the Parents command shows the last solid feature that modified the silhouette. To see an example of this, refer to Parents/Children paragraph of Projecting 3D Elements onto the Sketch Plane.