

What's New?

Getting Started

Entering Assembly Design Workbench and Opening a CATProduct Document

Fixing a Component

Inserting an Existing Component

Setting Constraints Between Components

Moving Constrained Components Using the Compass

Adding and Renaming a New Component

Designing a Part in an Assembly Context

Editing a Parameter

Replacing a Component

Analyzing Assembly Constraints

Reconnecting a Broken Constraint

Detecting Clashes

Editing a Component

Exploding the Assembly

User Tasks

Creating an Assembly Document

Updating an Assembly

Analyzing an Assembly

Computing Clash Between Components

Computing Clearance Between Components

Analyzing Constraints

Analyzing Dependencies

Analyzing Updates

Analyzing Degrees of Freedom

Displaying the Bill of Material (BOM)

Defining a Multi-Instantiation

Fast Multi-Instantiation

Inserting an Existing Component with Positioning

Managing Constraints

Managing Coincidence Constraint

Creating a Contact Constraint

Managing Offset Constraint

Creating an Angle Constraint

Fixing a Component

Fixing Components Together

Using the Quick Constraint

Changing Constraints

Deactivating or Activating Constraints

Selecting the Constraints of Given Components

Editing Constraints

Updating One Constraint Only

Modifying the Properties of a Constraint

Setting a Constraint Creation Mode

Inconsistent or Over-constrained Assemblies

Searching for URLs Associated with Constraints

Reordering Constraints in the Specification Tree

Refreshing Constraints

Moving Components

Translating Components

Rotating Components

Manipulating Components

Snapping Components

Smart Move

Smart Move with Viewer

Exploding a Constrained Assembly

Stop Manipulation on Clash

Using Assembly Tools

Managing Products in an Assembly

Publishing Elements

Using a Standard Part Contained in a Parametric Standard Part Catalog

Creating Annotations

Creating Weld Features

Creating Texts

Creating Flag Notes

Annotation Planes

Using a View/Annotation Plane

Creating a Front View

Creating a Section View/Annotation Plane

Creating a Section Cut View/Annotation Plane

Detecting Clashes

Detecting Interferences

Reading Clash Command Results

Viewing Results in a Dedicated Window

Export Clash Results


About Sectioning

Creating Section Planes

Creating 3D Section Cuts

Manipulating Planes Directly

Positioning Planes On a Geometric Target

Positioning Planes Using the Edit Position and Dimensions Command

More About the Section Results Window

Measuring Minimum Distances

Improving Performance

Generating CATPart from Product

Displaying the Assembly Mass Properties

Modifying an Assembly

Replacing Components

Reconnecting a Replaced Representation

Reconnecting Constraints

Editing a CATPart in an Assembly Design Context

Assembly Features

Assembly Split

Assembly Hole

Using Hole Series

Assembly Pocket

Assembly Remove

Assembly Add

Assembly Symmetry

Performing a Symmetry

Modifying a Symmetry

Rotating a Component by Using the Symmetry Command

Flexible Sub-Assemblies

Reusing a Part Design Pattern

Managing Part and Assembly Templates

About Part and Assembly Templates

About the Document Template Definition Window

Creating a Part Template

Creating a Document Template Containing Meta Inputs

Instantiating a Part Template

Adding an External Document to a Document Template

Instantiating a Document Template Containing Meta Inputs

Document Templates: Methodology

Document Templates: Limitations

Managing Enhanced Scenes

About Enhanced Scenes

Creating an Enhanced Scene

Generating an Enhanced Scene from an Old Scene

Browsing Enhanced Scenes using the Scenes Browser

Activating an Enhanced Scene

Exploding an Assembly

Overloading Attributes in Enhanced Scene Context

Managing Attributes Overloads

Adding, Replacing and Deleting Components in the Assembly

Checking Component Position

Saving a Viewpoint in Enhanced Scene Context

Creating an Enhanced Scene Macro

Applying an Enhanced Scene Context to an Assembly

Applying an Assembly Context to an Enhanced Scene

Automating Enhanced Scene Context Application Using User-defined Attributes

Saving an Enhanced Scene in ENOVIAVPM

Exiting Enhanced Scene Context

Reordering Applicative Data

Selecting Using a Filter


Opening a CATIA Version 4 Assembly Document

Optimal CATIA PLM Usability for Assembly Design

Assembly Constraints in ENOVIA LCA Context

About Constraints in Visualization Mode

Workbench Description

File Menu

Edit Menu

Insert Menu

Tools Menu

Analyze Menu

Product Structure Tools Toolbar

Move Toolbar

Update Toolbar

Constraints Toolbar

Constraint Creation Toolbar

Assembly Features Toolbar

Annotations Toolbar

Space Analysis Toolbar

Scenes Toolbar

User Selection Filter Toolbar

Miscellaneous Symbols

Product Structure Specification Tree Icons

Product Structure Package

Symbols Reflecting Incidents in the Geometry Building

Referenced Geometry




DMU Clash - Process

DMU Sectioning

Constraints and Dimensions





View Annotation Plane

Cache Management for CATProduct and CATProcess Document

Cgr Management for 3D Annotation

Cgr Management for Density

Loading of Referenced Document

Reference Information

Assembly Update


About Assembly Constraints

Coincidence Constraints

Contact Constraints

Offset Constraints

Angle Constraints

Design in Assembly Context

Assembly Features

Batches and Macros

Data Upgrade for Large Assemblies Performance

Looking for Broken Constraints in Assembly

About Interference Analysis

Assembly Snaps

Assembly Design Properties



