What's New?
Getting Started
Generating the User Workbench
Using the User Workbench
Basic Tasks
Defining an Application Workbench
Working with technological Objects
Creating a Technological Object
Adding an Attribute to a Technological Object
About the Add Attribute Dialog Box
Adding a Component to a Technological Object
Generating a Report
Working with Behaviors
Instantiating Behaviors
Combining Behaviors
Linking Behaviors Variables
Working with Behaviors Patterns
About Patterns
Deploying a User Workbench
Generating the Indirect Vision User Workbench
Working with a User Workbench
Testing and Replaying the Process
About the Operate Function...
Fixing a problem
Intervening When Instantiating Objects
Exploiting the Messages Displayed when Executing Behaviors
Managing Errors
Using the Error Check Tool
Working with a User Workbench
Getting Familiar with the End-User Workbench
Executing Behaviors
Editing Behaviors
Advanced Tasks
Knowledge Relations: Using the if...else Syntax
Using a Sequential Combination to instantiate a User Feature
Using the Insert Components behavior: Auto update mode
Using the Propagate Execution behavior
Using the Onxxx Behaviors
Using the Knowledge Certify Behavior
Using the Instantiate Template Behavior
Designing a Table using the Generate Component Behavior
Using the Loop Behavior
Using the Call Behavior
Using the Knowledge Language Behavior
Using an ARM Catalog
Defining Functions and Methods
About Knowledgeware Functions and Methods
Use Cases
Creating a User Workbench: Indirect Vision
Before you start
Setting up the Working Environment
Creating Technological Objects
Defining the Define Vehicle Data Combination for the IndirectVision object
Defining the Define Driver Combination on the IndirectVision Object
Defining a Compute optimal Mirror sequence for the Indirect Vision
technological Type
Defining a Generate Report Behavior on the Indirect Vision technological Type
Defining a Generate Indirect Field of View for a planar Mirror Combination on the Driver technological Type
Defining a Check Driver Position Behavior on the Driver technological
Generating the User Workbench
Designing the external Mirror
Computing the optimal Mirror
Optimal CATIA PLM Usability for Business Process Knowledge Template
Workbench Description
Specification Tree Description
Interface Description
Administration Tasks
Administration Tasks: Using the Knowledge Directories Structure
Reference Information
Introducing the Structure Behaviors
Logical Combination
Sequence Combination
Loop Behavior: Data Sheet
Generate Components Behavior: Data Sheet
Call Behavior: Data Sheet
Introducing the Infrastructure Behaviors
Implementation Behaviors
VBScript Behavior
Command Behavior
URL Behavior
ActiveX URL Behavior
System Behavior
IO Based Behaviors
Link Input From Behavior
Synchronize Parameters Behavior
Bind Behaviors
Bind Object Behavior
Bind Reference Behavior
Bind Parameter Behavior
Bind Instance Behavior
Bind Type Behavior
About the Bind Mechanism...
List Behaviors
Add item Behavior: Data Sheet Behaviors
Remove item Behavior: Data Sheet Behaviors
Get item Behavior: Data Sheet Behaviors
Propagate Execution Behavior
Information Behavior
Add Type Behavior
Introducing the Event-based Behaviors
On Done Behavior
On Cancel Behavior
Introducing the Design Behaviors
Reuse Behaviors
Instantiate Template Behavior
Create External Reference Behavior
Copy/Paste Behavior
KWScript Behavior
Document Behaviors
Load Document Behavior
Create New From Behavior
FilterCatalog Behavior
Bind Behaviors
Bind PowerCopy Behavior
Bind UDF Behavior
Bind Part Behavior
Bind Publication Behavior
Bind Product Instance Behavior
Display in Window Behavior
Insert Components Behavior
Knowledge Relations Behavior
Knowledge Certify Behavior: Data Sheet
KWA Language Behavior: Data Sheet
Knowledgeware Functions
Design Table Methods
Pointer Objects
Point Constructors
Search Functions
Line Constructors
Circle Constructors
String Methods and Functions
Direction Constructors
Literal Type
Surface Constructors
Wireframe Constructors
Part Measures
Plane Constructors
Analysis Operators
Object Type
Supported Objects by the Typing Commands
Working with Binds