Defining the Define Driver Combination on the IndirectVision Object  

In this topic, the expert user creates a combination that will enable the end-user to insert a manikin into the vehicle that he inserted in the previous topic.
  1. Click the Indirect Vision object in the Behaviors tab and click the Sequential Combination icon ().

  2. Double-click the Sequential Combination node in the Behaviors tab. The SequentialCombination editor is displayed. 

  3. Enter Define driver in the Name field and click OK to validate.

  4. Click the Define driver combination in the Behaviors tab and click the Bind Object behavior icon (). The BindObject behavior is displayed in the Behaviors tree.

  5. Double-click the Bind Object node. The Bind Object editor is displayed. In the Relative Name field, enter ../../.. and click OK to validate.

  6. Click the Define driver combination in the Behaviors tab and click the Bind Parameter behavior icon (). The BindParameter behavior is displayed in the Behaviors tree.

  7. Double-click the BindParameter node. The Bind Object editor is displayed. In the Relative Name field, enter Legislation and click OK to validate.

  8. Click the Define driver combination in the Behaviors tab and click the Link Parameters behavior icon (). 

  9. Click the Define driver combination in the Behaviors tab and click the Filter Catalog behavior icon (). The FilterCatalog behavior is displayed in the Behaviors tree.

  10. Double-click the FilterCatalog node. The FilterCatalog editor is displayed. Click the ... button and select the BktDriver.catalog file.

  11. In the Filtering Keywords field, click Add and create a Name attribute:

    • In the Name field, enter Name.

    • From the Type scrolling list, select String.

    • Click OK twice to validate.

  12.  Double-click the LinkParameter behavior. The LinkParameter behavior is displayed.

    • Click the From Parameter field, expand the BindParameter node and select the output link. =BindParameter\Link is displayed in the From Parameter field.

    • Click the To Parameter field, expand the FilterCatalog node and select the Name feature. =FilterCatalog\Name is displayed in the To Parameter field.

    • Click OK to validate.

  13. Click the Define driver combination in the Behaviors tab and click the Instantiate Template behavior icon (). 

  14. Double-click the InstantiateTemplate node. The InstantiateTemplate editor is displayed.

    • Click the Template feature field, expand the FilterCatalog node and select the output feature. =FilterCatalog\Feature is displayed in the field.

    • Click the Destination field, expand the BindObject node and select the output link. = BindObject\Link is displayed in the field.

    • From the  Valuation mode scrolling list, select UseIdenticalName.

    • Click OK twice to validate.

    At this stage, the behaviors tree is similar to the one opposite.

  15. Click the Define driver combination in the Behaviors tab and click the AddType Behavior icon (). The AddType behavior is displayed in the tree.

  16. Double-click the AddType node. The AddType editor is displayed.

    • In the Type Name field, enter Driver.

    • Click the ... button in the Type Name field, and select the exposed main behavior.

    • Click the Object to type field, expand the Instantiate Template node and select the UserFeature feature.

    • Click OK to validate.

  17. Click the Define driver combination in the Behaviors tab and click the VBScript Behavior icon (). The VBScript behavior is displayed.

  18. Double-click the VBScript node. The VBScript editor is displayed.

    • Click Add in the Defined inputs and parameters field. In the Name field, enter PartDocName. From the Type scrolling list, select String. In the Value field, enter Driver_Part1.

    • Click OK twice to validate. 

  1. Click the Define driver combination in the Behaviors tab and click the VBScript Behavior icon (). The VBScript behavior is displayed.

  2. Double-click the VBScript node. The VBScript editor is displayed.

    • Click OK to validate. 

    Your Behaviors tree is now identical to the one opposite.

    (To display the result .CATfct file, click here.)