
What is an environment?

An environment is a set of runtime environment variables. Each variable points to a path searched by the software when you start a session. 

What are Global and User environments?

A global environment can only be created by a Windows administrator, or the root userid on UNIX. For example, the default environment created at installation is a global environment: "global" means that it is visible to and can be used by all users on the computer on which it has been set up.

Global environments can only be created, edited or deleted by a Windows administrator, or the root userid on UNIX.

A user environment is visible to and can be used and manipulated (customized or deleted) only by the user who created it.

What does customizing an environment mean?

Customizing your runtime environment means providing different values for the runtime variables in your default environment, or setting up new environments.

When customizing runtime environments, you can:

  • Create new environments
  • Edit existing environments
  • Copy existing environments (UNIX only)
  • Delete environments

The runtime environment variables to be modified by the administrator are listed in the table below:

Variable Name Description
CATGraphicPath Graphic and icon search path
CATStartupPath Sample file search path
CATKnowledgePath Knowledge search path indicating the location where Knowledge resources have to be searched for when using an application. It can point to a concatenation of directories containing the knowledge Structure.
CATUserSettingPath Permanent user setting search path
CATReferenceStandardPath Default reference standard path for standards (for example, 3D graphics standards). Directory used by the administrator to deploy the workbench generated by the expert user
CATTemp Temporary user setting search path
For more information, see the CATIA Administration and Installation User's Guide.