Using an ARM Catalog

The scenario described below is based on Using the Instantiate Template Behavior. In this scenario, you are going to create an ARM catalog and use this catalog to instantiate an assembly template.
Before performing this scenario, make sure that you have selected the ARM mode only in the Tools>Options>Knowledgeware>Business Process Knowledge Template tab.
  To perform this scenario, you need the following documents:

Create the ARM Catalog

  1. From the Start menu, access the Infrastructure>Catalog Editor workbench. The Catalog Editor opens.

  2. Click the Add Family icon to add a family to your catalog. Click OK in the Component Family Definition dialog box. Double-click the family in the tree.

  3. Click the Add Keyword icon or select Insert > Add Keyword... from the main menu to display the Keyword creation dialog box.

  4. Specify a name for the new keyword, Logical Name.

  5. Select the keyword Type, String from the drop-down list. This list provides all knowledge types, i.e. Integer, String, Boolean, Angle, and so on.

  6. Click the Add Keyword icon or select Insert > Add Keyword... from the main menu to display the Keyword creation dialog box.

  7. Specify a name for the new keyword, Type.

  8. Select the keyword Type, String from the drop-down list .

  9. Check the With discrete list of values check box and click OK. The Legal Value Definition dialog box is displayed. Enter the following values and click OK when done.

    • AssemblyTemplate
    • PowerCopy
    • Table
    • UserFeature
    • Drawing
    • Product
    • PartTemplate
    • Rule
    • Part
    • Analysis
    • RuleBase
  10. Click the Add Keyword icon or select Insert > Add Keyword... from the main menu to display the Keyword creation dialog box.

  11. Specify a name for the new keyword, Usage.

  12. Select the keyword Type, String from the drop-down list.

Add the Assembly Template to the ARM Catalog

  1. Open the BktAssemblyTemplate.CATProduct file. Expand the KnowledgeTemplates node and click the AssemblyTemplate.

  2. Back in the Catalog Editor, click the Add Component icon (). The Description Definition dialog box opens.

  3. Click Select external feature. The File Name field is automatically filled.

  4. Click the Keywords tab. Select the Logical Name line and enter MyAssemblyTemplate in the Value field.

    The logical name is the name that will be used by the Instantiate Template behavior to access the assembly template.
  5. Click the Type line and select Assembly Template from the drop-down list. Click OK.

    When working with the Instantiate Template behavior, you do not have to indicate the type because you can choose to instantiate a User Feature or a Document Template.
  6. Save your catalog in the Knowledge\knowledgeResources directory referenced by your CATKnowledgePath variable. Click here to access the created ARM catalog.

Modify the .CATfct

  1. Open the BktAssemblyTemplate.CATfct file.

  2. In the Behaviors view, double-click Tow Hook, and expand the TowHook node in the Behaviors tab.

  3. Select the FilterCatalog behavior and delete it.

  4. Double-click the InstantiateTemplate behavior. The Instantiate Template behavior window opens.

  5. Click ARM Browser and navigate to the ARM catalog file you have just created. Select the assembly template and click OK.

  6. If need be, click the Destination field, expand the BindObject node and select the output link.

  7. If need be, select Use Identical Name from the Valuation mode scrolling list. Click OK when done.

  8. Save your .CATfct in the directory corresponding to the CATGraphicPath environment variable. Click here to open the modified .CATfct file.

Create the Workbench

  1. Click the Generate Applicative Workbench icon () to generate the user workbench.

  2. Enter the name of the workbench, Instantiate_Tow Hook in this example.

  3. Do not modify the default workbench type (Product) and click OK.

Test the Workbench

  1. Open the BktReceivingProduct.CATProduct file in the user workbench.

  2. Click the root of the specification tree, the icon, the root of the specification tree, and click the TowHook icon to type the product.

  3. Right-click TowHook (Destination_Product) and select TowHook(Destination_Product) object>Instantiate Tow Hook. The assembly template is instantiated.