Literal types are types that gather single value parameters (string, integer, real, boolean, dimensions).
They can be used in conjunction with the following attributes:
Attribute letting you access the minimum tolerance that can be applied to parameters of type Length and Angle.
Attribute letting you access the maximum tolerance that can be applied to parameters of type Length and Angle.
Attribute used to apply an inferior range to a real number.
Real.2 =Real.1 .InferiorRange
Attribute used to apply a superior range to a real number.
Real.2 =Real.1 .SuperiorRange
Attribute used to indicate if a value can be modified or not by the end-user i.e. if the value is locked or not. This attribute is Read/Write.
/* valuates R with the constantness of P */
Attribute used to indicate if a parameter must be hidden or shown in the tree view. This attribute is Read/Write.
Attribute used to indicate if a value can be modified or not by a end-user. This attribute is Read/Write.
Expression1 (P: #In String) |