Bind Instance Behavior: Data Sheet

Accessing this behavior This behavior can be accessed by clicking the Bind Instance Behavior icon () in the Bind Based Behaviors toolbar.
Describing this behavior This behavior searches for the instance whose name or path is specified. To get more information about the Bind mechanism, see About the Bind Mechanism...
Using this Behavior Interface

Name: Name attributed to the behavior.
Comment: Comment attributed to the behavior.
Bind Reference: In the Behaviors tree, click:
  • An object or a behavior variable that will contain a V5 item at run time. 
  • A behavior.

The search will start from the object indicated in this field. If nothing is indicated, the search will start from this behavior.

Relative Name Enter the object name that you are looking for or an access path (using the ../.. syntax).
Note that if more than one instance have the same name as the one specified, the instance returned will be the first encountered.
Using this behavior Given a reference product, Vehicle, the expert user wants to find the instance of Vehicle in the root product.