Setting up the Working Environment

This task is the first to be performed by the expert user before starting defining the user workbench.
  1. Delete your CATSettings.

  2. Open CATIA V5.

  3. From the Tools>Options... menu, select General>Parameters and Measure>Knowledge, and check With value, and With formula in the Parameter tree view field.

  4. Select Infrastructure>Product Structure>Tree Customization and set Parameters and Relations to Yes.

  5. Select Infrastructure>Part Infrastructure >General and check: 

    • Keep link with selected object
    • Restrict external selection with link to pubished elements
  6. Select Infrastructure>Part Infrastructure>Display and check: 

    • Constraints 
    • Parameters
    • Relations
  7. Select Knowledgeware>Business Process Knowledge Template and check/select: 

    • All Users from the Access Rights scrolling list.
    • Technological Variables only.
    This option defines the access rights granted. In BKT the access rights are set to Expert by default.
  8. From the ARM Behaviors Mode scrolling list, select ARM Only if you want to work with ARM or ARM or classical file based if you want to work both with ARM and files stored on disk.

  9. Click OK to validate your settings and proceed to the next task: Creating technological Objects.