Pointer Objects 


Inherits from Feature. Although mainly used in BKT as variable of behaviors to reference object/parameters, it can also be used as a local variable in A-EKL. It can reference an object or a value and can be manipulated in A-EKL as any other variable :

Pointer->ValuatePointer(ObjectType : Feature,path: String, type : String)
Retrieves an object or a value from a path and valuates the pointer with it. The starting element can be a feature or a value. If the path is empty, it valuates the pointer with the starting object. This function has to be applied when you are interested in manipulating 2 parameters that belong to a feature. In this context (and only in this context), you can modify the characteristics of the parameter. (ranges, Hide/Show...). The separator is "\".

Expression1 (F: #In Feature, R #Out Boolean)
 /* valuates R with the constantness of P */
let P (ValuePointer)
if (F->HasAttribute ("Cost")
     P->ValuatePointer (F,"Cost","Real")
     R = P.Constant


Enables you to point values only. It inherits from Pointer.

ValuePointer->SetValue(Value:Literal): VoidType
 It can be a local variable. This variable is introduced to access a parameter and read or modify its characteristics such as ranges, list of authorized values and so on.