Adding a Component to a Technological Object  

What is a component?

A user can define that a technological object is made up of instances of other technological objects.
An engine is made up of 4 pistons, and 6 connecting rods for example. In this case, the pistons and the connecting rods are the components of the engine.


The composition enables the user to formalize the relations existing between different technological types (technological objects).

  • The composition is a persistent notion. A derived type inherits the components defined on the father.

  • In the user workbench, the father object provides users with the lists of its components.

Getting Familiar with the Add components Interface

Creating a Component

To create a component, select the type to which the component will belong and click the Add components behavior icon ()  in the Technological Object toolbar.

Owner Name: This field cannot be modified by the user. The name indicated in this field is the name of the type to which the component will be added.
Name: Enter the name of the component that will be added.
Component Type: This type is either typed in the editor field or the result of a selection in the Knowledge browser window. Note that the technological types present in the .CATfct loaded in the CATIA session can be retrieved from the technological object directory.
For more information about the types available when clicking this button, Knowledge Advisor User's Guide: Reference.
Number of components: Enter the number of components expected. In the graphic opposite, the maximum number of legs is 4.
Using the "Result in the Tree"
The component is displayed directly below the technological type attributes.
  • ListSize: Current size of the list.
  • TargetSize: The size to be reached. It is equal to the number of components entered when creating the component.

To get an example, see Designing a Table using the Generate Component Behavior.