Getting Familiar with the End-User Workbench


Accessing your Workbench

You can access the workbench from the Start>Name_of_the_workbench menu. Workbenches generated using the BKT application are located at the top of the Start menu.


Workbenches generated using the BKT application are similar to the other CATIA workbenches:

  • The toolbar dedicated to the workbench is located in the right part of the window

  • The standard toolbar is located in the bottom of the window 

  • The menu bar is similar to the standard CATIA menu bars (see graphic below).

Note that the menu bar displayed at the top of the window depends on the Workbench type selected (Product, Part, or System) by the Expert User when generating the workbench.

Activating your Workbench

When opening your application, the toolbar specific to your workbench is grayed out meaning that it is disabled (see the picture above). To activate your toolbar, click the root product in the specification tree and click the icon to initialize the assembly context in the selected product: The toolbar is enabled and you can start instantiating your objects.

Instantiating Objects

To initialize the process and to create your first object, click one of the icons in your workbench toolbar, then click the root product in the specification tree to assign it the corresponding object type. The name of the root product changes accordingly. Each icon of your workbench corresponds to one object type. To see how to use objects, see Executing Behaviors.

Linking Behaviors to the Objects

The objects are assigned behaviors. To access these behaviors, right-click the root product and select the command. To see how to execute behaviors, see Executing Behaviors.
In the picture below, IndirectVision is provided with 4 behaviors:

  • Define vehicle data
  • Define driver
  • Define external mirror
  • Define target.
Note that:
  • The first 8 commands are standard CATIA commands. 
  • You access the behaviors by selecting the Name_of_Object object command.

Available menus

Definition...: Enables you to access the Attributes tab where you can add, modify, and delete variables (attributes) values. To know more, see Editing Behaviors.

Define vehicle data: Behavior defined by the expert user, specific to this object enabling you to select a vehicle and to insert it into the Product.

After a behavior is executed, its name is prefixed with "Control" in the contextual menu (see picture opposite). If you want to re-execute the behavior:
  • A Control Behavior Activity dialog box is displayed asking if you want to delete the behavior if it executed correctly when first executing it.
  • The Behavior re-executes if it failed when you first executed it. It restarts where it failed. 

Operating Behaviors

After editing a behavior, you may want to re-operate your behaviors. The Operate function enables you to update your features and re-execute your behaviors. To do so, you can:

To get an example, see Editing Behaviors.

To know how to use your workbench, contact the expert user who generated it.

Executing Behaviors
Editing Behaviors