Working with Binds  

Some specific behaviors called Binds are used to access items in a model using a relative path. Users can determine objects paths that exist in the Runtime view.

Here is the list of the Binds:


The recommended methodology consists in publishing the result of a main behavior at the type level. The aim is to read/write on the type attribute to avoid using a relative path.
  • To publish (write) results on a type attribute, use the Synchronize Parameters behavior.
  • To read the value of the type attribute, right-click the attribute that you want to link to the attribute type, and use the Link To command.

In the graphic opposite:

  • The Result attribute of the sequential combination publishes its result on the Attribute 1 through the Synchronize Parameters behavior.
  • The Output attribute of the logical combination is linked to the Type attribute so that it can read its result.