Surface Constructors

Sample: KwrSurfaceConstructors

  • offset (sur: Surface, offset: Length, orientation: Boolean): Surface
    Creates an offset surface. Set the boolean orientation to false to change the side of the created surface regarding the reference surface.
  • assemble (Surface, ...): Surface
    Creates a join of several surfaces.
  • split (tosplit: Surface, splitting: Surface, orientation: Boolean): Surface
    Creates a split of one surface by another. Use the third argument to choose the side to keep.
  • split (tosplit: Surface, splitting: Curve, orientation: Boolean): Surface
    Creates a split of one surface by a curve. Use the third argument to choose the side to keep.
  • trim (sur1: Surface, orientationSur1: Boolean, sur2: Surface, orientationSur2: Boolean): Surface
    Creates a trim of one surface by another. Use the Booleans to choose the side to keep on each surface.
  • near (sur: surface, near: wireframe): Surface
    Extracts a connex sub-element of a non connex entity which is the nearest from another element.
  • extrude (Curve, Direction, length1: Length, length2: Length, orientation: Boolean) : Surface
    Extrudes a wireframe profile in a given direction.
  • extrude (Surface, Direction, length1: Length, length2: Length, orientation: Boolean): Surface
    Extrudes a surface in a given direction. The result is the skin of the generated volume.
  • revolve (Curve, axis: Line, angle1: Angle, angle2: Angle): Surface
    Revolves a wireframe profile around a given axis.
  • revolve (Surface, axis: Line, angle1: Angle, angle2: Angle): Surface
    Revolves a surface around a given axis. The result is the skin of the generated volume.
  • loft (sections: List, orientations: List): Surface
    Creates a loft from several sections.
  • loft (sections: List, orientations: List, guides: List): Surface
    Creates a loft from several sections and several guides.