Direction Constructors

Note: Direction objects cannot be created by using the 'New Parameter of type' capability in f(x) but you are required to use them in other constructors when the constructors is to be passed an argument of a direction type. Examples are given below.

Samples: see KwrLineConstructors.CATPart and KwrPointConstructors.CATPart

  • direction (x: Length, y: Length, z: Length): Direction
    Creates a direction defined by the reference axes origin and the point whose coordinates are specified in the function argument.

Geometrical Set.1\Point.1 = pointtangent (Geometrical Set.1\Spline.1, direction (10mm,10mm,10mm))

  • direction (Line): Direction
    Creates a direction from a line.

Geometrical Set.1\Point.1 = pointtangent (Geometrical Set.1\Spline.1, direction (Geometrical Set.1\line3))

  • direction (Plane): Direction
    Creates a direction from a plane.

Geometrical Set.1\Point.1 = pointtangent (Geometrical Set.1\Spline.1, direction (`zx plane`))