Human Builder



What's New?

Getting Started

Changing Manikin Display Attributes

Manikin Creation or Insertion

Creating a Manikin

The New Manikin Dialog box

Saving a Manikin

Creating a Forearm/Hand Model

Copy/Paste/Inserting a Existing Manikin

Manikin tree organization

Manikin Attribute Organization

Using the Sub-Tree

User Tasks

Creating/Editing the Manikin Profiles


Whole Manikin Graphical Properties

Accessing the Graphical Properties Toolbar

Changing the Properties of Segments

Changing the Properties of Ellipses

Changing the Transparency of the Surfaces


Manikin Display


Changing the Color of the Segment

Activating the Manikin Coloring Properties

Changing the Manikin Eyes, Mouth, and Hair Color


Manikin Vision

Window Display Tab

Accessing Vision Options

Edit the Vision Parameters

Vision Window Behavior

Visual Cone


Manikin Anthropometry


The Manikin Reports in the PPR Tree

Reporting Capabilities

Human Builder Report Procedures

Human Task Simulation Report Procedures

Viewing a Report

Changing the Manikins color of their eyes, mouth, and hair

Creating/Editing the Manikin Settings


Posture of the Manikin


Position of the Manikin


Redefining the Manikin Referential

Inverse Kinematics Behaviors

Inverse Kinematics Behaviors

Angular Limitations

Angular Limitations Node in the Manikin Tree

Preferred Angles

Preferred Angles Node in the Manikin Tree


Load Parameters


Creating Multiple Offsets

Redefining the Segments Offset


Attaching an Object to a Manikin Segment

Restoring an Attached Object's Position


Using Manikin Constraints

Resetting the Target Function for Fix and Fix On Constraints

Manikin Hand Grasp Toolbar Activated in View Toolbars

Performing Operations on the Manikin Tree

The Manikin Contextual Window

Local Posture Reset

Local Posture Mirror Copy

Local Posture Swap

Global Posture Swap

Vision Posture Reset

Using the Copy/Paste Function

Generate a Status Report

Positioning the Manikin

Making the Manikin Stand

Positioning the Manikin with the Compass

Using the Place Mode

Using the Place Mode (Z only)

Positioning objects on an Area Surface

Defining the Manikin Posture

Using Forward Kinematics

Using the Posture Editor

Interactive Positioning with the Reach Mode

Using the Inverse Kinematics Modes

Applying Standard Poses

Using Posture Undo/Redo

Manikin Eyes Following the Compass with IK and Reach Mode

Adds an Description to an Manikin Object

Retrieving Center of Gravity Coordinates

Catalog Management

Creating a New Catalog

Loading and Reusing Manikin Attributes from a Catalog File

Saving Manikin Attributes in an Catalog File

Converting .swl Library Files into Catalog Files

Using the Manikin Simulation Commands

Using the Shuttle Command

Using the Simulation Command

Using the Generate Replay Simulation Command

Using the Generate Video Command

Using the Track Command

Using the Play Simulation Command

Replaying a Compiled Simulation

Measuring the Manikin Workspace

Manikin Workspace Analysis

Accessing other Human Workbenches

Access the Human Posture Workbench

The Manikin Workbench Access Toolbar

Safe Saving into Enovia LCA from CATIA V5

How to Do a Safe Save in ENOVIA LCA from CATIA V5

Using Global Collision Detection

Using the Reach Envelope

Creating a Clash (Interference) Check

Swept Volume for Manikin Movements

Swept Volume using Segments of a Manikin

Swept Volume with Segments Moving with an Attached or Picked Object

Using the Auto Grasp

Keeping the Settings of an Hand Grasp

Human Data Catalogs

User Tasks

Workbench Description

Human Builder Menu Bar

Manikin Workbench Access Toolbar

Manikin Constraints Toolbar

Update Toolbar

Manikin Simulation Toolbar

Manikin Workspace Analysis Toolbar

Manikin Tools Toolbar

Manikin Posture Toolbar

Vehicle Occupant Accommodation Toolbar




Vehicle Occupant Accommodation

Adding a User Defined Method Based on Cascade

Adding a User-Defined Method Based on Optimization Using Seat Back Angle

Adding a User-Defined Method Based on Optimization Using Thoracic and Lumbar Angle

