Converting .swl Library Files into Catalog Files

This procedure describes how to convert .swl files.

Converting .swl library files into catalog files

  1. Select the Load manikin's attributes from a catalog

  2. When the catalog browser appears, select the Browse another catalog  , located at the top right of the catalog browser window.

  3. From the File Selection dialog box that appears, select *.swl as the file type and click on the Open button.


  4. The Confirmation dialog box appears. Select Yes to convert the selected library file into a catalog.


  5. The File Selection dialog box reappears. Name the new catalog and select Open.

  6. Another Confirmation dialog box appears.

  7. Select Yes. The library file is converted to a catalog file and opens in the 3D view.

This command not only converts the postures that are present in the library, it also converts other types of data, i.e., anthropometry.