Using the Generate Replay Command

This procedure describes how to compile a simulation as either a replay or an animation file.  A replay is a snapshot of the process at a particular time.  Any changes made to the process after it has been compiled into a replay will not appear in that replay. An animation file can be either in AVI or MPG format or in a series of JPG still images.

How to Replay a simulation

  1. After you have run the simulation and verified that it is one you want to compile, select the Generate Replay  

    The Replay Generation dialog box appears.

    The Replay dialog box appears. (See below).

  2. Select the Simulation in the PPR tree.


  3. Accept the default name or enter one of your own.

  4. Use the Replay to review the simulation.

  5. Modify the capture step size if you like, and then select OK.


Replay Dialog box


The Replay command bar appears.
The table below provides the meaning of each of the VCR-like buttons.

Jump to start

Play backwards

Step backward  (by default, shows replay one frame at a time)


Step forward (by default, shows replay one frame at a time)

Play forward (shows replay as continuous motion)

Jump to end

Replay runs continuously (in a loop). This view mode is the default mode: click on this to see the replay runs once mode (described below). 

Replay runs only once.  Click on this button to see the bounce mode (described below).

Replay runs continuously (bouncing back and forth).  Click on this to return to the default (replay runs continuously) mode. 

To move randomly through the frames of the replay, you can use the slider.

To move to a specific frame, you can use the spinners to select the frame's number.

Select Replay Options.

  1. (Optional) Select Select Replay Options on the Replay command bar.

    The Replay Options dialog box appears and the Select Replay icon turns orange (because it is a toggle on/off command):
  2. (Optional) Use the Name pulldown menu to select another replay (if available).

  3. (Optional) Use the Speed pulldown menu to select the factor by which to increase the speed.

    The time window shows you how much of the simulation's run time has elapsed.  This is an estimated time.
      You can filter out text messages and viewpoint changes, if any, using the Replay Options dialog. If the simulation replay contains no text messages or viewpoint changes, those options will be muted. 

    Deselecting viewpoint changes or text messages will filter them out of the replay.

  4. Use the VCR-like buttons in the Replay command box to see the replay.

  5. Repeat the replay and filter out the text messages or viewpoints to observe the difference between the versions.