Redefining the Manikin Referential

This procedure describes how to change the referential of a manikin.

The referential is the point on the manikin that will remain fixed when a global posture or an anthropometry is applied. For instance, if the manikin is standing on a flat surface (the floor) and a sitting posture is applied, the feet will remain on the ground if the referential option Between Feet is selected.

  1. In the specification tree, select a Manikin node or the Referential node (beneath the Settings node). Click the right mouse button to activate the contextual menu and choose Properties.


  2. The Properties dialog box is displayed. If required, select the Referential tab.


  3. Using the Referential combo, select the part of the body that will become the new referential and Apply. The changes are saved.

  4. Close or OK to exit from the dialog box. 
    In the example below, the left foot is the selected referential. See what happens when applying a sitting posture.