
This section gives you information about the licensing in the Advanced Meshing Tools workbench.

What are the available products in the Generative Structural Analysis Workbench?
Which functionality belongs to which product?
Which contextual menu belongs to which product?

What are the available products in the Advanced Meshing Tools workbench?

The Advanced Meshing Tools workbench includes the following products:

FMS: FEM Surface (P2)
This product lets you generate a finite element model for complex 1D and 2D parts.

FMD: FEM Solid (P2)
This product lets you generate a finite element model for complex 3D parts.


Which functionality belongs to which product?

The following table shows you in which product you will access the analysis functionalities:

Meshing Methods



Beam Mesher


Octree Triangle Mesher


Surface Mesher


Advanced Surface Mesher


Tetrahedron Filler


Octree Tetrahedron Mesher


Sweep 3D


* the number of functionalities in this command is limited.

Surface Mesher Workshop



Boundary Simplifications


Add/Remove Constraints on Edge


Add/Remove Constraints on Vertex


Project External Curves


Project External Points


Element Distribution


Elements Capture


Elements Distribution around Hole


Distribution Propagation


Frontal Quadrangle Method


Frontal Triangle Method


Mapped Method


Mapped Free Method


Minimal Method


Mapped Method for Triangular Domain


Bead Method


Half Bead Method


Global Meshing Parameters


Context Options


Mesh the Part


Remove Mesh


Remove Mesh by Domain


Lock Domain


Edit Mesh


Split Quadrangles




Advanced Surface Mesher Workshop



Boundary Simplifications


Add/Remove Constraints


Imposed Element


Domain Specifications


Global Meshing Parameters


Geometry Simplification


Remove Simplification


Mesh the Part


Remove Mesh


Clean Holes


Edit Simplification


Imposed Elements


Remesh Domain


Remove Mesh by Domain


Lock Domain


Edit Mesh


Split Quadrangles







Import Mesh

Export Mesh

Welding Meshing Methods



Spot Welding Connection Mesh


Seam Welding Connection Mesh


Surface Welding Connection Mesh


Nodes to Nodes Connection Mesh


Node Interface Mesh


* only available if you have previously installed the Generative Assembly Structural Analysis (GAS) product.




Free Edges

Intersections / Interferences

Duplicate Elements

Duplicate Nodes

Quality Analysis

Connection Summary


Mesh Part Statistics



Standard Visualization

Quality Visualization

Orientation Visualization

Visualization by Mesh Parts



Visualization by Groups



Cutting Plane

Element Orientation

Element Shrink

* not available neither in the Surface Mesher workshop and nor in the Advanced Surface Mesher workshop.

** only available in the Surface Mesher workshop and in the Advanced Surface Mesher workshop.

Mesh Transformations



Translation Mesher



Rotation Mesher



Symmetry Mesher



Extrude Mesher with Translation

Extrude Mesher with Rotation

Extrude Mesher with Symmetry

Extrude along Spine

Coating 1D Mesh


Coating 2D Mesh


* only available with 1D and 2D elements.

** only available with 3D elements.

Mesh Operators



Mesh Offset


Split Quads


Move Mesh Nodes


Which contextual menu belongs to which product?

The following table shows you in which products you will access the contextual menus.
Note that you can click contextual menus in the table to see the corresponding documentation.

Contextual Menu