Capturing Elements

This task shows how to capture elements (as mesh specifications) either on free edges or on constrained edges.

  1. Click Elements Capture in the Local Specifications toolbar.

    The Capture dialog box appears as shown here:

    • Support: lets you select the edge on which you want to impose nodes.
    • Tolerance: the source edge will be found automatically relatively to the selected tolerance.
    • Coincidence: you can decide that you will have the nodes from both edges superimposed.
    • Condensation: you can decide that the nodes from both edges (receiver and source) are single nodes.
  2. Select the edge you want to be imposed nodes (also called Receiver edge).

  3. Enter the desired Tolerance value.
    In this particular example, enter 5mm as Tolerance value.

  4. Click OK.

    A Mesh Specifications.1 set containing the Element Capture.1 specification appears in the specification tree under the Surface Mesh.2 mesh part.

  5. Launch the mesh operation.
    For more details, refer to Meshing the Part.

    You can visualize the capture mesh: