Offsetting the Mesh

This task shows how to apply an offset to a 2D mesh (surface element).

Open the sample05.CATAnalysis document from the samples directory.

  • Update the mesh part.
    To do this, right-click Advanced Surface Mesh.1 and select Update Mesh.

  1. Click Mesh Offset in the Mesh Operators toolbar.

    The Mesh Offset dialog box appears.

    • Offset: lets you define which offset you want to apply relatively to a given normal.
      This value can be either positive or negative.

  2. Select the mesh.

    If you click on arrow, the offset value becomes negative.
    You can also enter a negative value and so the offset visualization is automatically updated.

  3. Enter the Offset value.

    In this example, enter 5mm.

    The mesh is now offset relatively to its previous position:

  4.  Click OK.

    A Mesh Operators.1 set is created in the specification tree under the parent mesh part.
    This set contains an Offset mesh object:

    The Offset Mesh object is associative. If the finite element model is modified, this feature is also modified.

If you edit the parent mesh part (by double-clicking the mesh part in the specification tree), the mesh cannot be restored because it has been modified by the mesh operator transformation.