Constraining Vertices

This task shows you how to add or remove constraints for a selection of vertices.

For a better visualization of constrained vertices, you can change the color of the part.
To do this:

  • Right-click Surface.1 (under Links Manager.1 -> Part1 -> Geometrical Set.1) in the specification tree.
  • Select the Properties contextual menu.
  • Select the desired Fill Color in the Graphic tab.
  • Click OK in the Properties dialog box.
  1. Click Add/Remove Constraints on Vertex in the Local Specifications toolbar.

    The Vertex Constraint dialog box appears:

    • Support: lets you select the vertices on which you want to add or remove constraints.

      Multi-selection of vertices is available.

    • Mode: lets you specify if you want to add or remove constraints on the selected vertices.
      • Constrained: lets you add constraints on the selected vertices.
      • Unconstrained: lets you remove constraints on the selected vertices.
  2. Select one or several constrained vertices as Support.

    In this particular example, select a yellow-highlighted vertex as shown below:

  3. Select Unconstrained as Mode option in the Vertex Constraint dialog box.

  4. Click OK.

    The unconstrained vertex is not yellow-highlighted anymore.

    A Constrain Vertex.1 object belonging to Geometry Specifications.1 appears in the specification tree under the Surface Mesh.1 mesh part.

  5. Click Add/Remove Constraints on Vertex in the Local Specifications toolbar.

    The Vertex Constraint dialog box appears.

    Note that the vertex you selected in the second step is now blue-highlighted:

  6. Select one or several unconstrained vertices as Support.

    In this particular example, select a blue-highlighted vertex as shown below:

  7. Select Constrained as Mode option in the Vertex Constraint dialog box.

  8. Click OK.

    The vertex is now yellow-highlighted:

    A Constrain Vertex.2 object belonging to Geometry Specifications.1 appears in the specification tree under the Surface Mesh.1 mesh part.