Hiding/Showing Meshes

You can hide the mesh of a mesh part without hiding group of elements under this mesh part or sharing elements with the mesh part using the Hide/Show Mesh command. You can hide one particular mesh or all meshes of the Nodes and Elements set.

There is a difference between the Hide/Show command and the Hide/Show Mesh command: launching the Hide/Show command on a mesh part lets you hide this mesh part, its mesh visualization and all the groups created under it, whereas the Hide/Show Mesh command lets you hide only the mesh visualization of the mesh part. For example, with the Hide/Show Mesh command you can visualize content of groups using the Visualization by Groups command (to know more, refer to Visualizing Meshes and Groups).

Open the Sample12.CATAnalysis document from the samples directory.


Hide One or Several Meshes

  1. Select one or several mesh parts in the specification tree or in the 3D visualization window.
    In this particular example, select Extrusion Mesh Along Spine.2 and Translation Mesh.1.

  2. Right-click and select Hide/show Mesh .

    A symbol appears on the both mesh parts in the specification tree.

    The two meshes are hidden and only 1D Mesh.1 and Extrusion Mesh Along Spine.1 are shown.

Note that: if one of the selected mesh parts has already a hidden status, the Hide/Show Mesh command does not change this hidden status.


Hide all Meshes

  • Right-click Nodes and Elements in the specification tree and select Hide/show Mesh .

    A symbol appears on all mesh parts in the specification tree and all meshes are hidden.

Note that: if one of the selected mesh parts has already a hidden status, the Hide/Show Mesh command does not change this hidden status.


Show Meshes

  • Right-click a hidden mesh part in the specification tree and select Hide/show Mesh .

    The hide symbol disappears in the specification tree and the mesh is visualized.

Note that: if all meshes of the Nodes and Elements set are hidden, you can show them at the same time.
To do this, right-click Nodes and Elements in the specification tree and select Hide/show Mesh .