Re-meshing Domains with Minimal Mesh

This task shows you how to re-mesh a domain using the minimal mesh method.
This mesh method only use the existing mesh nodes.

  1. Click Minimal Method in the Local Specifications toolbar.

    The Minimal Mesh dialog box appears.

    • Support: lets you select the domain you want to re-mesh using the minimal mesh method.
    • Impact neighbor domains: lets you define whether you wish to apply the new mesh method to the neighboring domains. If the option is deactivated, the nodes on domain edges will not be modified.
  2. Select a domain as Support.

    In this particular example, select the following domain:

  3. Select the Impact neighbor domains check box.

  4. Click OK.

    A Mesh Specifications.1 set containing the Minimal Mesh.1 specification appears in the specification tree under the Surface Mesh.1 mesh part.

    The domain is re-meshed.