Suppressing Holes

This task shows you how to specify holes in the geometry you want to be ignored by the meshing process.

  1. Click Boundary Simplifications in the Local Specifications toolbar.

    The Hole Suppression dialog box appears:

    • Support: lets you select the holes you want to ignore or to be taken into account in the meshing process.

      Multi-selection of holes is available.

    • Mode: lets you specify if you want to ignore or to take into account the selected holes.
      • Activate: lets you take into account the selected holes.
      • Inactivate: lets you ignore the selected holes.
    • Browse Holes:
      • Auto Focus: lets you zoom in activated holes.
        • Current Hole: gives you the number of detected holes (holes that are in active mode) and lets you visualize a particular hole either by entering a number or by clicking buttons.
        • Diameter: gives you information about the diameter of the hole you focus on.
  2. Select a green-highlighted hole as shown below:

  3. Select Inactivate as Mode option in the Hole Suppression dialog box.

  4. Click OK.

    The hole is blue-highlighted and will then be ignored by the mesher.

    A Suppress Hole.1 object belonging to Geometry Specifications.1 appears in the specification tree under the Surface Mesh.1 mesh part.

  5. Click Boundary Simplifications in the Local Specifications toolbar.

    The Hole Suppression dialog box appears.

  6. Select a blue-highlighted hole as shown below:

    Note that: in this example, you have to select the both side of the hole.
    The Hole Suppression dialog box is updated:

  7. Select Activate as Mode option in the Hole Suppression dialog box.

  8. Click OK.

    The hole is green-highlighted and will be taken into account by the mesher.

    A Suppress Hole.2 object belonging to Geometry Specifications.1 appears in the specification tree under the Surface Mesh.1 mesh part.

  9. Click Mesh The Part .

    The meshed part now appears with ignored and non-ignored holes.

  10. Click OK in the Mesh The Part dialog box.