Adding/Removing Constraints (Modifications)

This task shows how to apply manual topological modifications on existing constraints. There are two types of constraints.

  1. a constraint applied to a vertex: as a result, a node will be created on this vertex.
  2. a constraint applied to a curve: as a result, all the element edges will be aligned on this curve.

You can add or remove constraints using the following contextual menus:

Open the sample05.CATAnalysis document from the samples directory.

  1. Click Edit Simplification in the Edition Tools toolbar.

    The Edit Simplification dialog box appears with one option for re-meshing automatically as you modify the geometrical simplification.

    The Undo command is not available.

  2. Right-click the elements required for modifying edges, vertices or still for performing split, collapse or merge operations.

  3. Select the desired options from the available contextual menu.

    • For edges:

    • For vertices:

    The desired option (contextual menu), once selected, remains active. You then simply need to select the elements to be modified.

  4. Click OK.


Swap constrained state

If you right-click on this part:

You get this constrained state edge:

Split a domain

If you right-click on two existing vertices:

You get this split domain:

You can chain the orthogonal split while the contextual menu is selected and the Edit Simplification dialog box is displayed.

Orthogonal Split on Domain

If you right-click on an edge and click an other edge:

You get this orthogonal split domain:

Orthogonal split allows you to create a split domain using an orthogonal projection of a vertex on an edge.
You can chain the orthogonal split while the contextual menu is selected and the Edit Simplification dialog box is displayed.

Collapse edge

If you right-click on an edge:

You get this collapsed-edge element:

Cut edge

If you right-click on an edge:

You get this cut edge (and new vertex):

Merge edges

If you right-click on two collapsed edges:

One after the other:

You get this merged edge:


If you right-click on a vertex on a constrained edge:

You can move the vertex over the constrained edge:

Undo simplifications

This option can be applied either on simplifications generated by the system or on simplifications you applied manually (see above).

If you right-click on an edge:

You get this unmerged mesh element: