Mold Tooling Design


What's New?

Getting Started

Entering the Mold Design Workbench

Retrieving Part

Defining the Mold Base

Splitting the Core and the Cavity

Inserting Components

Positioning Ejector Pins on a Mold Base

Creating a Gate

Creating a Runner

Creating a Coolant Channel

Saving Data

User Tasks

Preparing the Part to Mold

Creating a User-defined Mold Base

Creating a Mold Base

Creating a Standard Mold Base

Adding a Plate

Replacing a Plate in a Mold

Adding an Insert

Standard Mold Components

Component and their Parameters

Adding Components

Contextual Menu of Components

User Component Requirements

Positioning a Slider

Adapting the Geometrical Parameters of a Component

Replacing a Reference

Isolating a Component

Splitting Components

Synchronizing Split Components

Adding or Removing Material around a Component

Injection features

Modifying the Geometry of Components

Creating Gates

Creating Runners

Creating Coolant Channels


Analyzing Holes in Plates

Drilling Components

Creating Distributed Drill Component

Drilling Lists


Adding your Catalog

Linking your Catalog to Another

Using your Catalog

Generating the Bill of Material

Analyzing a Tooling Structure

Saving Data

Using other Workbenches

Mold Kinematics

Checking Clash and Clearance

Using Drafting Functionalities

Using Prismatic Machining Functionalities

Using Surface Machining Functionalities

Mold Tooling Design Workbench Description

Menu Bar

Tool Bars

Specification Tree






Reference Information

Managing Tooling Impacts

Split with Surface Reduction

Description of the Generic Dialog Box

Working Modes


Component Manipulation Restrictions

Generating Final Holes and Pads


Technological Results

Inserting a Loose Core

Using a Rule

Using Assembled Components

