Analyzing Holes in Plates


This task shows you how to get information on each hole from a given plate of the mold:
  • its position with respect to the plate,
  • its direction,
  • its diameter,
  • its depth,
  • its type,

whether it is threaded or not, and eventually the threading parameters.

The VBScript macro processes all the levels of the Product.

The origin of bent components is offset. 

  1. Access the VBScript macro in code/command/CATMoldFindHolesInPlate.CATSCript.

  2. Edit the macro to define which plate is to be analyzed.

  3. A .txt file is generated for each selected plate and contains information on holes such as diameter, depth, X, Y, Z, Dx, Dy, Dz and comments...
    The file can be read with Excel (use ; as a separator) and inserted into the CATDrawing document related to the plate via the command Insert/Object.

You must check that you are in the Mold document before operating the macro (use the Edit/Links menu, if necessary).
This file is a sample that you can customize to fit your needs.