The Tools > Options > Mold Tooling Design>
tab lets you choose between a standard split or a split with surface
reduction. How the Split with Surface Reduction WorksTo optimize the memory usage when splitting a component, V5 projects a contour onto the splitting surface so that only the surface inside the contour (and not the whole surface) will be used to split the component. This contour is a circle, defined by a hidden parameter found as follows in standard components:
To use this functionality in user components, you must define a
D_Split parameter in the user components. A coefficient of reduction can be applied to the radius of the circular contour (see Tools > Options > Mold Tooling Design> Split). Example of a split with surface reduction (this is a description of what happens, not of what you see): For the components that allow a split with surface reduction, you do not have to choose between a standard split or a split with
surface reduction.
A split with surface reduction will fail if the required parameter is not defined, or if the splitting surface you have selected does not allow the projection of the circle. When you modify the parameters of a component already split with a surface reduction, the reduced surface is automatically recomputed by V5 update mechanism. This update may fail, e.g. because the length of an insert or the diameter of an ejector have been increased. In most cases it fails because the projection of the circle onto the surface originally selected is no longer possible (no more projection result). The only possible bypass is the following:
This time, since a split with surface reduction will not be possible, this will be a standard split. |