Adding your Catalog

This task shows you how to create your own catalog. 

You are going to add:

The existing catalogs are:

  • Dme
  • Dme-America
  • Futaba
  • Eoc
  • Hasco
  • Rabourdin
  • Strack
  • Misumi
  • National
  • Pedrotti
  • PCS 
  • Meusburger

The catalogs are all metric with the exception of Dme-America and National which are in inches.

For more complete information on the Catalog Editor, please see the chapter on this subject in the Infrastructure manual.
  1. Open the catalog editor via Start > Infrastructure > Catalog Editor.
    The editor is displayed with a new catalog that has one chapter.

  2. Change the name of Chapter.1 to MyComponents by using the contextual menu and Chapter.1 object > Definition.

  3. Now you are going to add a family. A family is composed of any type of part of any type of dimension.
    Click Add Family . 

  4. The Component Family Definition dialog box is displayed. Call the new family Sliders. Click OK.
    The Sliders family is created under MyComponents in the specification tree.
    A keyword Sliders is added to the Keywords tab for MyComponents.

  5. Now you can add a keyword to Sliders. Double-click Sliders in the tree. Note that their is only one column named Name in the Keywords tab for the family Sliders, and that it is empty.

  6. Click the Add Keyword icon . The Keyword Definition dialog box is displayed.

  7. Create a string type keyword called Ref

  8. Now create two other keywords:

    • Length of length type,
    • Created by of string type.

    Those new keywords define the headings to the columns that are created in the catalog table.

If you wish to configure the component when creating it, the names of keywords should be exactly identical to the names of the parameters used in the Design Tables.
  1. Click Add Component .

    In the dialog box that is displayed, go to the Keyword values tab. Select each Keyword line and replace the default value in the Value field as follows:
    • Slider_1 for Name,
    • Slider_DS01 for Ref,
    • 25 mm for Length,
    • Your name for Created by.
  2. Now go to the Reference tab and click Select Document .

  3. Use the browser to select the file Slider_1.CATPart in the Samples/Catalog directory.
    Click OK. The Keywords tab is updated.

  4. You can now do the same with Slider_2.CATPArt and the values below:

  5. A Part family is composed of one shape of part of different dimensions.
    To add more part families, double-click the MyComponents chapter then click Add a Part Family  .
    The Part Family Definition dialog box is displayed.
    Call the new family WearPlates.

  6. Add a component to this family: click Select Document and select WearPlate.CATPart in the samples/catalog directory. Click OK.
    The WearPlates family is created under MyComponents.

  7. Double-click WearPlates to see the associated keywords:

  8. Save your catalog (File > Save as) in the directory of your choice.

You can now create a catalog of gates. It can include side and submarine type gates. When creating a gate catalog, you must ensure that you define both types of gates as families before adding new gates to them.