Automotive Body In White Fastening



What's New?

Getting Started

Customizing the BiW Fastening Application Standard File

Adding a New Process Type

Defining Symbols

Entering the Workbench

Setting up a CATIA Reference Product with BiW Fastening Parameters

User Tasks

Creating Joints

Creating Joint Bodies

Creating Spot Fasteners

Creating Welding Spot Points

Creating Adhesive Spot Points

Creating Sealant Spot Points

Creating Mechanical Spot Points

Creating Unspecified Spot Points

Creating Spot Projection Welds

Creating Multi-Selected Spot Fasteners

Repeating Spot Points

Displaying Process Category Parameters

Creating Curve Beads

Creating Welding Curve Beads

Creating Adhesive Curve Beads

Creating Sealant Curve Beads

Creating Unspecified Curve Beads

Repeating Curve Beads




Creating Structural Reports

Creating Flat Reports

Exporting/Reporting Using CATUtil

Exporting/Reporting Using a Batch

Renaming Fasteners


Creating Mirror/Copy Elements

Creating Translate/Copy Elements

Using Tools

Creating Features Using the Datum Mode

Displaying Joined Parts Information in a Balloon

Displaying Coordinates Information in a Balloon

Creating Functional Annotations

Creating Series Annotations

Creating Fastener Annotations

Running the Fastening Rules Analysis

Isolating Elements

Copying/Pasting Elements

Managing the Multi-Edition of Fasteners' Diameter

Editing Fasteners' Properties

Performing an Advanced Search

Measure Tools

Automotive BiW Fastening Interoperability

Optimal CATIA PLM Usability for Automotive BiW Fastening

Automotive BiW Fastening and Knowledge

Automotive BiW Fastening Package

Automotive BiW Fastening and Drafting

Automotive BiW Fastening Generative Parameters

Generating a Drafting Document

Workbench Description

Menu Bar


Specification Tree



