Creating Spot Projection Welds  

This task shows you how to create a welding spot projection and which one of the connected zones is specified as a projection zone.

  There are several ways to create a spot projection:
  • a joint and a joint body are already created: click the desired icon and select the joint body in the selection tree.
  • a joint and a joint body are already created: select the joint body in the selection tree and click the desired icon (here is the example used for our scenario).
  • no joint body is created. Select the components or the publications, and click the desired icon: a joint and a joint body are created if needed.

Open the Projection1.CATProduct document.

Make sure the SpotProjection Fastener Type is set up in the standard file.
  1. Select the joint body in the specification tree.

  2. Click BiW Welding SpotProjection in the Spot Welding sub-toolbar.

    The BiW SpotProjection Fastener Definition dialog box opens.
  3. Specify whether you wish to use the existing standard or not.

    If a standard has been imported, a spot projection is created using this standard. If not, you are able to define your own values for each attribute.
  4. Define the Projection type:

    • Projection Component: specifies one of the Joint components
    • Projection Part Number
    • Projection Zone: specifies one of the Joint Body zones and must belong to the component specified in the Projection Component field.
  5. Define the design of the spot projection:

    • Robustness

    • Regulation

    • More>>: allows you to define the Manufacturing parameters.

    The shape is necessary a 3D point.
  6. Select the location of the point:

    For further information on the location methods, you can click the More>> button.
  7. Click OK to create the spot projection.

    The spot projection (identified as Joint is added to the specification tree, under the Joint Body node.
Annotations can be automatically created during the fastener creation. For more information, refer to Creating Fastener Annotations Automatically.