This task shows you how to generate a .CATDrawing document from a .CATProduct
document containing BiW spot fasteners. |
Open the
DraftingIntegration1.CATProduct document. |
- Make sure the Prevent generative view style usage
option is deselected from Tools > Options > Mechanical
Design > Drafting > Administration tab if you wish to be
able to create and use generative view styles.
- Make sure the spot fasteners have a normal vector
Here are some examples of extraction with and without
associated GVS: |
Case A: Drafting View without associated GVS
The 3D Spot Fasteners will be generated in this view according
to the Extract parameters in Tools > Options > Shape >
Automotive BiW Fastening > General tab (Angular Tolerance,
Include View Reverse Direction) |
Case B: Drafting View with an associated GVS
- Providing that the Angular Tolerance is specified (different
from -1)
The 3D Spot Fasteners will be generated in this View according to
the Extract parameters in GVS (Angular Tolerance, Include View
Reverse Direction)
- Providing that the Angular Tolerance is not specified (set to
The 3D Spot Fasteners will be generated in this View according to
the Extract parameters in Tools > Options > Shape >
Automotive BiW Fastening > General Tab (Angular Tolerance,
Include View Reverse Direction)
Example 1:
Providing that:
- the Angular Tolerance is different from -1 in the GVS
parameters (45 for instance),
- the Include View Reverse Direction option is checked in the GVS parameters,
- the Angular Tolerance is set to 60 in Tools > Options
(value not effective here),
- the Include View Reverse Direction option is unchecked in
Tools > Options (value not effective here),
=> the 2D reverse spots will be generated in the Drawing
document according to the GVS parameters (with Angular Tolerance
value = 45). |
Example 2:
- Providing that:
the Angular Tolerance is set to -1 in the GVS parameters (value
not effective here),
- the Include View Reverse Direction option is set to No in the GVS parameters (value not effective here),
- the Angular Tolerance is 45 in Tools > Options,
- the Include View Reverse Direction option is checked in
> Options,
=> the 2D reverse spots will be generated in the Drawing
document according to Tools > Options parameters (with Angular
Tolerance value = 45). |
If the Angular Tolerance is set to 0 (through GVS or Tools > Options > Shape > Automotive BiW Fastening
> General Tab), no 3D Spot Fastener will be generated
on the Drawing View. |
Click Top View
from the Quick View toolbar.
Select File > New from the menu bar.
The New dialog box opens. |
Select Drawing from the List of Types and
click OK.
The New Drawing dialog box opens. |
Click OK.
The Generative Drafting workbench is displayed with a default
grid. |
Select Window > Tile Horizontally from the
menu bar to organize your windows horizontally.
In the drawing document, click Front View
from the View toolbar (Quick View sub-toolbar).
The Generative
view style toolbar is automatically displayed.
Select DefaultGenerativeStyle in the combo
Select the surface in the 3D document.
Click on the drawing sheet or at the center of the blue
knob to generate the view.
- The visualization of the fastener in the drawing depends on
the direction of the K-Axis in the 3D area. If the
orientation of the K-axis is towards the surfaces included
in the joint body, then the joint elements are visible in
the front view of the drawing. If the orientation of the
K-axis is opposite to the surfaces, then the joint elements
are visible in back view of the drawing. You can rotate the
drawing using the arrows in the blue knob so as to get the
right view that shows the fastener 2D symbol.
- You can set a fixed size for your 2D drawing spots.
Refer to the
General Settings chapter in the Customizing section.
If no size is specified then the spot diameters (2D Spot Symbol
Diameter = 3D Spot Diameter) are respected in the 2D drawing
- The fastener 2D representation is coherent with its 3D
Symbols are gathered together in the ABF_Symbols.CATDrawing
reference file located according to the startup/components/Automotive
BiW Fastening path from CATIA run time view root directory (intel_a
for Windows, aix_a for IBM UNIX, irix_a for SGI UNIX, solaris_a for
SUN Unix, hpux_a for HP UNIX). |
Here are these symbols: |
2D symbol |
3D symbol |
code |
111 |
112 |
113 |
114 |
151 |
152 |
153 |
154 |
136 |
137 |
138 |
139 |
101 |
125 |
155 |
252 |
any other 3D symbol |
- Following the standard extraction process, during the update of
the drawing view, 2D spot representations (2D Symbol or Text) are
deleted and new ones are created. Therefore, all 2D Elements
(Balloon, Datum Target, Text With Leader) associated to these 2D
spots elements are no longer associated to their father elements
after the update. If you move the generated 2D spot elements on the
drawing view after the update, they are automatically repositioned
(because deleted or created) at their original position.
- As for any FTA annotation, functional
annotations can be extracted, providing they are contained in an
association plane.
For further information, refer to Creating a View from 3D in the
Generative Drafting User's Guide.
beads cannot be extracted. |