Creating Adhesive Spot Points  

This task shows you how to create a Body in White adhesive spot point.

There are several ways to create a spot point:
  • a joint and a joint body are already created: click the desired icon and select the joint body in the selection tree.
  • a joint and a joint body are already created: select the joint body in the selection tree and click the desired icon (here is the example used for our scenario).
  • no joint body is created. Select the components or the publications, and click the desired icon: a joint and a joint body are created.

Open the SpotPoint1.CATProduct document.

Make sure the SpotPoint Fastener Type is set up in the standard file.
  1. Select the joint body in the specification tree.

  2. Click BiW Adhesive SpotPoint from the Adhesive toolbar.

    The BiW SpotPoint Fastener Definition dialog box opens.
  3. Specify whether you wish to use the existing standard or not.

    If a standard has been imported, a spot point is created using this standard. If not, you are able to define your own values for each attribute.
  4. Define the spot point's following parameters:

  5. Click OK to create the spot point.

    The spot point (identified as Joint is added to the specification tree, under the Joint Body node.
Annotations can be automatically created during the fastener creation. For more information, refer to Creating Fastener Annotations Automatically.