Displaying Joined Parts Information in a Balloon

This task shows you how to display the name of the joined parts in a balloon.

Open the ABF_AllTypeFast_01.CATProduct document.


  1. Click BiW Joined Parts Screen Report from the BiW Tools toolbar.

  2. Point out a fastener, a joint body or a joint in the 3D geometry or in the specification tree.

    The BiW Joined Part Screen Report dialog box is displayed:
  3. Select the joined parts information to be displayed:

    • Joined Part Instance Names: for fasteners, joint bodies and joints. Each name is displayed in a balloon in the order of the BiW Joint, each joined part is separated by the cross symbol X.

    From a Fastener (3D geometry)
    From a Fastener (specification tree)
    From a Joint Body (specification tree)
    From a Joint (specification tree)
    • Joined Zone Names: for fasteners and joint bodies. Each joined zone is displayed in a balloon in the order of the BiW Joint as follows: "Joined Part Instance Name / Zone Name". Each joined part is separated by the cross symbol X.
    From a fastener (3D geometry)
    From a Fastener (specification tree)
    From a Joint Body (specification tree)
    • Joined Zone Material Thickness: for fasteners and joint bodies. Each name and thickness is displayed as follows: "Joined Zone Name (Material / Thickness)". Material and thickness are displayed between brackets and separated by a slash, material name and thickness of each joined zone name is separated by the cross symbol X.
    From a fastener (3D geometry)
    From a Fastener (specification tree)
    From a Joint Body (specification tree)
    • Thickness Count: for fasteners and joint bodies. This parameter is optional. Each thickness count is displayed as follows: "(Joined Part Number T)".
      In our example, Joined Part Instance Names and Thickness Count are selected.
    From a fastener (3D geometry)
    From a Fastener (specification tree)
    From a Joint Body (specification tree)
  • The order of the joined parts in the balloon is the same as in the joint in the specification tree.

  • This command can be launched while in another command.

  • The joined part numbers are not displayed.
  • The first three parameters are exclusive, you can only select one at a time.